Guide for the Development of Language Education Policies in Europe Workshop 8/2005 Guide for the Development of Language Education Policies in Europe From Linguistic Diversity to Plurilingual Education Chapter 6: Organising plurilingual education Chapter 4: The Development of LEP – linguistic factors No ready-made solutions – particularly in compulsory education the degrees of competence in the different foreign languages will vary – this is considered o.k.
Chapter 4: The Development of Language Education Policies – Linguistic factors in decision making Proficiency in several languages no longer tends to be seen as a useful extra but as essential and basic. Because through economic globalisation foreign languages have become essential tools of communication
Guide / Schools‘ Responsibility Chapter 6 It is the responsibility of schools to raise interest and awareness of the competence of the human mind to study languages and also to enable its students to become autonomous learners in the long run. In the framework of compulsory education, and then in (upper) secondary, vocational or higher education. Why we have done so – autonomous learners – consequence; motivation raised. Teaching of languages should be given more space and earlier
The Guide / Plurilingualism Plurilingualism is the competence to communicate in several languages at different levels. The Overall Objective of Plurilingualism is to enable people within Europe to communicate with others and understand the cultural differences better. the outcome of plurilingual ed.- help a lot to , lots of activities are done everywhere, but there are not set structures for it yet. The implementation lies within the responsibility of the head teachers.
Guide /what has to be considered? 6.1. Decision on objectives and according to educational context: Language teaching considers characteristics (border regions, migration, etc.) Coordinate various language courses (grammar, literature, CLIL, etc. - other subjects /working language) Syllabuses Levels and standards Topics (teaching materials) Involving educational establishments (schools, language centres, etc.) Compulsory or optional Format (times, hours, etc.) Assessment and certification No ready-made solutions, adapted to the regions, the needs of learners, the resources, etc. Prinicipals can be very creative in finding ways of implementing whole school programmes or just small steps towards plurilingualism.
Guide / Bilingual/Plurilingual Education 6.2.2. Technical obstacles: Costs: cheaper: by content through FL, costs higher: additional posts (beginning) Teacher qualifications / profiles: one or two subjects Co-teachers Workload and timetables Assessment: internal : external examinations My particular situation; cheap for government –almost no additional costs (just 6 hours / week)
Guide / Bilingual/Plurilingual Education 4.1.Linguistic varieties at school: bilingual education – language of instruction: Language used in its basic sense – to communicate information on subject matter Dífferent forms of Bilingual Education: Subject teacher + co-teacher Subject taught in FL – 1 teacher - saves money Oral and written variations mixed (2 languages) Different days : different languages Minority language: official language “new language” for all kids Language of instruction – LL TO BE CONSIDERED WHEN HEAD TEACHERS WANT TO INTRODUCE PLURI OR BILINGUAL Ed:political decision: consideration from the point of view of nation, communities, of country and individual