An outline is like a blueprint for your paper It allows you to see the full scope of all of your content at a glance By outlining, the following positive things occur: 1. you can judge whether each part of the paper is fully developed. 2. you can decide if you have adequate supporting materials for each main point 3. you can judge if the main points are properly balanced. 4. you can determine if related points are together. 5. you can determine if your ideas flow.
What to include in your Outline Guidelines for the outline Should include Specific purpose Central idea Introduction Main points Subpoints Connectives Conclusion Bibliography
What to include in the Outline State the specific purpose of your paper Identify the central idea Label the introduction, body, and conclusion Use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation Use a visual framework The pattern of symbolization and indentation in a paper outline that shows the relationship among the writers ideas
Practice Put the following in a framework: There were 13 people at the last supper – Jesus and his 12 disciples. Many superstitions revolve around numbers. In the United States, 13 is often omitted in the floor numbering of hotels and skyscrapers. The number 13 has meant bad luck as long as anyone can remember.
What to include in the Outline Label transitions, internal summaries, and internal previews Attach a bibliography