Levels of Economic Activity
Economic Activities activities that create products that are bought or sold. Examples: Fishing Task Write three economic activities next to Examples: in your notebook.
Four Levels of Economic Activity Rich countries have 4 Levels of Economic Activity. Poor countries do not have 4 levels. Four Levels of Economic Activity 1. Primary 2. Secondary 3. Tertiary 4. Quaternary
PRIMARY - Process of extracting (getting) natural resources. Any country can extract their natural resources. Example Ozarka extracts water from a well. Water Well
Factories SECONDARY – creating products out of the natural resource Example The Ozarka plant bottles and purifies the water they extracted. Task Choose a natural resource. Create a real-life situation that shows that resource going from the primary level to the secondary level. Factories
Water Production – Is this a primary or secondary activity?
TERTIARY - Providing professional services and the services required to distribute the products. Example Kroger sells you and I the water. Sales
Worldwide Bottled Water Consumption QUATERNARY - Process of STUDYING a product research to improve on its production. Example Ozarka uses data from Utah State’s Water Research lab to increase their product’s purity. Universities Worldwide Bottled Water Consumption
Create a Cartoon of a Resources Journey Through the Levels of Economic Development Pick a Natural resource. (It can be an agricultural product or mineral.) Show its evolution as it is processed through the 4 levels of economic activity in a comic strip format. You need to include detail and effort. (the more the effort the higher the grade!)