Written BY: Cassie Made by: Lia & Daveen
Its like a plague that never goes away, Simile Compared with Plague & Darkness Its like a plague that never goes away,
Or an animal and its prey, It waits... And waits... Personification: giving inanimate objects human traits and/or action Or an animal and its prey, It waits... And waits... And waits...until you're ready, Then closes in and devours you... From the inside out.
ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew, Hyperbole: Over exaggeration to make a point ALL you see is shadows of the ones you once knew,
No more happiness, No more laughter, No more love, Repetition: Repeating: no more No more happiness, No more laughter, No more love,
Its like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul. Simile: Comparing thunderstorm and darkness Its like a thunderstorm that blocks your soul. Your soul becomes a black hole,
Whatever said, heard, or learned, Is forgotten, never brought up again,
No longer does anything matter, Its all darkness, Simile: Again compares with the plague and the darkness No longer does anything matter, Its all darkness, Like a plague that never goes away.
THANK YOU Artist: Jorge Mondez Song: Cold Album: Silhouettes All Pictures Taken From Google Images