Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Approval of this meeting’s and previous meeting’s agenda Agenda items: Technical submissions Motions Schedule for conference calls Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
TG2 meeting called to order Approval of this meeting’s agenda Approval of previous meeting’s minutes Agenda items: Alaa Mourad, Bluetooth and WLAN coexistence in dense deployment scenarios, 19-17-0033r0 Recess Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Second: Alireza Nejatian Y/N/A: 4/0/0 Motion to approve the agenda of the March 2017 TG2 meeting, 19-17/0038r0. Move: Jim Lansford Second: Alireza Nejatian Y/N/A: 4/0/0 Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Move: Alireza Nejatian Second: Sho Furuichi Y/N/A: Unanimous concent Motion to approve the agenda of the January 2017 TG2 meeting, 19-17/0019r0. Move: Alireza Nejatian Second: Sho Furuichi Y/N/A: Unanimous concent Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Technical Submission Igal Kotzer, General Motors
@16:50 Igal Kotzer, General Motors doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 Month Year doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/xxxxr0 @16:50 Mark the time Igal Kotzer, General Motors John Doe, Some Company
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors
Igal Kotzer, General Motors