The Presidency of Alvaro Obregon (1920-1924)
Election of 1920 Considered the most successful general of the revolution Resigned from the Carranza administration in 1919 to focus on his presidential campaigns for 1920 election This angered Carranza and he attempted to undermine Obregon’s efforts Plan of Agua Prieta: Issued by Obregon and called for - an interim government named by Congress to rule until fair elections could be held - accused Carranza of betraying the Revolution and the Constitution Carranza attempted to escape (taking as much gold and silver as possible), but was killed by Obregon supporters en route. Obregon won the 1920 election with 95% of the vote.
Early Presidency Problems Facing Mexico In 1920 Political Violence Political Corruption Difficulties with US over oil Lack of Investment Limited Education and Literacy Obregon faced huge obstacles in rebuilding Mexico. In order to successfully achieve his goals he needed – time, capital, education and guidance. His first challenge was to rebuild the military to lessen the threat to his administration. He continuously reduced the number of officers and attempted to ensure loyalty, but it became increasingly difficult when many in the armed forces started to support his former ally, the more conservative Adolfo de la Huerta. Through forced resignations or executions, Obregon was able to eventually defeat de la Huerta in 1924.
Mexican-US relations US Companies were upset with Obregon because Obregon had large investments in US companies, especially as it related to his own hacienda and the exportation of cash crops to the US (like chickpeas). This complicated US-Mexican relations. Mexican-US relations US Companies were upset with Obregon because Businesses felt threatened by provisions in the Constitution of 1917 (esp. oil/petroleum companies) Many companies were frustrated over lack of reimbursement for damages incurred during the Revolution The US (along with Britain and France) withheld diplomatic recognition in an effort to pressure Obregon to address their concerns, particularly about oil. The money made from oil was an absolute necessity in keeping the Mexican economy going (it made up about 20-35% of national income). By 1919, Mexico was the world’s 2nd largest petroleum producer (16% compared to 68% from the US) and it desperately needed income from the oil export taxes. But… it also needed loans from Britain and France to expand and exploit the oilfields. This meant that Obregon had to address the concerns of these nations as soon as possible without undermining the integrity and independence of Mexico to the US (this would only strengthen anti-US opposition forces).
“Obregon functioned as the ultimate compromiser, capable of negotiating with Carrancistas, Villistas, workers, Zapatistas and Americans.” - Historian John Mason Hart, 1987 Land reform Made promises to peasants that he would make land reform/redistribution a priority (In 1920 only about 1% of land seized during Pofiriato had been redistributed) Church and hacendados resisted and attempted to thwart any real progress (would lose both wealth and power) Set up the National Agrarian Commission (1922) to survey Mexico’s agricultural areas Obregon, as an hacienda owner himself, wasn’t sincere in his desire for reform Gave peasants small amount of hope in return for their large amounts of support for his administration Successful in creating a large coalition of diverse supporters (By 1923, his allies controlled Congress, state legislatures and all state governorships)
Education and Culture Obregon’s greatest achievements were in the fields of education and culture. - He appointed Jose Vasconcelos as Minster of Education - His administration build over 1000 schools, 2000 libraries - Actively included Mexico’s indigenous heritage in an attempt to unite the country and soothe class tensions - In rural areas many other languages were spoken other than Spanish, so bringing schools to these remote villages help create a national Mexican identity - Muralists were hired to paint the walls of government buildings to portray this new inclusive narrative (see Muralism powerpoint for more detail) Vasconcelos’ philosophy of the "cosmic race" affected all aspects of Mexican sociocultural, political, and economic policies. Cosmic race “la raza cosmico” - the end product of gradual racial mixing that was already underway in the former Spanish Empire. Often referred to as “la Raza’.
Pragmatist and Reformer Caudillo Obregon legacy Pragmatist and Reformer Caudillo Provided the order and stability that Mexicans wanted after years of revolution Significantly improved educational opportunities Modernized agriculture Encouraged a national Mexican identity through art, culture and education Was able to peacefully transfer power to Calles (a big achievement for the time!) Significantly enhanced his own wealth through favorable policies Did little decrease corruption within the government and often abused his power to the benefit of himself or his friends