DoorModule and Badge 8051 RF RF XS40 FPGA 8051 XS40 (sonar) AUTH ECHO RS232 RF BADGEID FPGA 8051 RS232 REQUEST BUSY 8051 EX1 EX0 XS40 ECHO INIT (sonar) AUTH
State Diagram of DoorModule Detected user in a range of 6 inches to 3 feet within 0.5 second Detecting User Done Checking Time out in ID request Requesting ID Checking ID Timeout = worst case: 8 * 0.32s ID received
Detecting User: SonarTask start SEND_INIT INIT = 1 DONE RF_TASK And FPGA_TASK WAIT_ECHO distance++ ECHO distance > MAX RESET INIT = 0 distance = 0 Time = 0.2 second/cycle 0.1ms counter => Error: +/- 0.1 ms = 0.055 ft
Same for Both the DoorModule and the Badge: RF Hardware Same for Both the DoorModule and the Badge: Virtual Wire Dev. Kit 8051 Protocol Board RS 232 Data Board To be deleted later! Packet, ack, and retransmit Sends byte
Protocol Board requires: Protocol Board requires: RF Message Formats Request DoorModule Badge Response + BadgeID Protocol Board requires: TO/FROM Packet # Packet Size Data Bytes OutBuffer: Request DoorModule InBuffer: RESPONSE BadgeID Protocol Board requires: TO/FROM Packet # Packet Size Data Bytes Request InBuffer: Badge OutBuffer: RESPONSE BadgeID
Time Line 8051 (DoorModule) Sonar (DoorModule) Badge FPGA (DoorModule) INIT ECHO Badge Request Time Response + BadgeID FPGA (DoorModule) Request + BadgeID Check BadgeID
Verifing User Reset 8 !Request WAIT_ID ROM (LUT) BadgeID Control BUSY AUTH = 0 ROM (LUT) BadgeID Control BUSY Request Request seconds == 4 Reset !DB AUTH CHECK_ID BUSY = 1 AUTH = 0 AUTHORIZE BUSY = 1 AUTH = 1 Counter DB
Current Status Done: In progress: Detect a user within 6 inches to 3 feet. Detect a user within 0.5 second. RF messaging protocol. Built the badge. In progress: Debugging the badge. Implementation and debugging of FPGA.
Summary Hand-free and preserve security checking. Final technical design of the DoorModule and the Badge. Sonar detects user intention. RF exchanges user information. FPGA does the checking. Analysis/data/results show our design will meet the requirement. Current schedule Coming soon…… Product demo. Hope you enjoy the presentation as much as we do. And, I am going to hand it off to our reviewer, group C. Thank you.