Section: ___ Time of lab:______8th or 9th floor (circle) Lab Instructor Name: Quiz 3: Biol 203 2013 Section: ___ Time of lab:______8th or 9th floor (circle) Name:_______________ (5pts) Draw out a 5 exon gene structure. The first two exons will contain both 5’UTR sequences (only) and TSSs. The third, fourth and fifth exons will contain coding sequences. The third exon also contains 5’UTR sequences. The fourth and fifth exons also contain 3’UTR sequences and AATAAA sequences. Number your exons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B) (5pts) The five exon gene above (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) will splice in several different ways. Using numbers for exons, provide the four most likely patterns found in mRNA for this gene. 1. 2. 3. 4. C) (6pts) Hotspots for mutations within a gene can arise by two ways: Two sentences (on underlines) only for each answer. Do not write outside of the underlines or you will receive ZERO points for your answer. Think before you write and then write a clear answer. You can use the back of this page to contemplate what you will write. 1)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 2)_________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ D-I) (10pts- 1pt/correct nucleotide and at least 3 in a row that are correct) What is the ENTIRE mRNA sequence in eukaryotic mRNAs that increases the probability for it to be bound by Ribosomes in the correct position and initiate translation in highly expressed proteins? _____________ D-II) (5pts) What is the RANDOM probability that this sequence (with the T residue, not U) is found in the genome?________________ E) (4pts) There are at least 3 periodic table elements that differ in concentration in mRNA vs. DNA. Which of the three differs the most? ________________