Short term forecast model Travel times on M3 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Travel Time Information System M3 Detectors for speed measurements Service Level (website) Actual Travel Time (website/VMS) On-line Database Forecasted Travel Time (website) Historical Database Best/worst travel time 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
Monday morning segment 3 Travel Time Min. 6 October 2005 VIKING
Average travel times - north morning – segment 3 Minutes 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Clean-up in data: Segments and periods with incidents excluded from database. Incidents eg. Lost load Stopped vehicle Accident Over 3 months: 50 incidents logged 1,3 % of peak-hour period segment-minutes excluded Furthermore exclude: Holidays, saturdays/sundays Segments without measurements 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Model type: Model 1: 15 min’s forecast based on difference from average - measurements 0, 1, 2 and 10 minutes back Travel time t+15 = average travel timet+15 + a0(travel timet - average travel timet)+ a1(travel timet-1 - average travel timet-1)+ ….. a10(travel timet-10 - average travel timet-10)+ epsilont+15 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Model types: Model 1: 15 min’s forecast based on difference from average - measurements 0,1, 2 and 10 minutes back Model 2: as 1, but 30 min’s forecast model both for morning peak and evening peak on 6 road segments northbound and southbound total 2x6x2 = 24 models of each type 6 October 2005 VIKING
Statistical variation on travel time Model evaluation by: Statistical variation on travel time % large errors in travel time forecast 6 October 2005 VIKING
6 October 2005 VIKING
6 October 2005 VIKING
6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model 6 October 2005 VIKING
6 October 2005 VIKING
Monday morning segment 3 Travel Time Min. 6 October 2005 VIKING
Monday evening segment 3 Travel Time Min. 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Implementation: On-line from end of the year recalibration of coefficients as travel pattern changes Further development: smaller segments correllation between segments adaptive system (coefficients change over time) travel time forecasts at accidents/ unnormal situations 6 October 2005 VIKING
Short term forecast model Best practice cases identified: 15 min’s forecasts on traveltime possible on motorways Specific aspects: time series models applicable different models for each day of the week traffic pattern different for each segment of the motorway Regional or global ? model developed locally, probably globally applicable for commuter traffic 6 October 2005 VIKING
Thank you for listening 6 October 2005 VIKING