Pick and Mix Bringing LSP into General Language Courses Dr Marina Micke University Language Centre marina.micke@manchester.ac.uk https://www.languagecentre.manchester.ac.uk/
LSP at the University of Manchester’s Language Centre (Foreign Languages) majority of FL courses are general language classes bespoke programme of Medical FL courses delivered in cooperation with the Medical School (Spanish, French, German) some departments supplement study abroad programmes by requiring students to attend FL classes delivered by the Language Centre extra requirements for final year & MA students
Dossier of Independent Learning Intermediate, Post-Intermediate and Further levels (B1, B2.1 & B2.2) submission of two summatively assessed independent learning activities part A: end of semester 1 part B: before Easter each part represents 10% of the end-of-year grade (a total of 20% through ILL)
Dossier of Independent Learning each task = ca. 3 hours level word length recording length Intermediate (B1) 200-250 5 minutes Post-Intermediate (B2.1) 250-300 6 minutes Further (B2.2) 300-400 7-8 minutes
Dossier of Independent Learning rationale: offering the possibility of exploring an aspect of the TL/TC which learners feel is important or particularly interesting, thereby tailoring their learning to their own needs and interests allowing students to take more responsibility in their own learning provide learners and tutors with a record of some independent learning activities
© University Language Centre, University of Manchester Assessment Criteria © University Language Centre, University of Manchester
© University Language Centre, University of Manchester Assessment Criteria © University Language Centre, University of Manchester
Dossier of Independent Learning general feedback (students): time consuming but worthwhile 20% of overall mark underrepresents the work put into the dossier general feedback (tutors): various levels of engagement deep learning time consuming marking process
My IL Dossier Journey 5 years ago: Question: first B2.1 group, first encounter with the IL dossiers one of several assessments, no particular attention some good submissions, but majority uninspired, unimpressive, unimpressed? Question: How can students become more engaged in this independent learning activity and how can the dossiers become more meaningful to each student?
My IL Dossier Journey Answer: workshop-style activity Bring dossier conversation into the FL classroom make expectations explicit sharing good practice sharing of ideas workshop-style activity
Dossier Swap Shop Instruction handbook examples Discussion reading writing Dossier Swap Shop speaking listening Instruction handbook examples Discussion group activity, ideally in TL ideas on sticky notes Feedback “wall” of sticky notes grammar culture LSP other ideas
Impact on LSP learning raised student awareness of LSP as an option intrinsic motivation increased feeling of responsibility for own learning conscious learning choices (for/against LSP) social bonding of the learner group informal ‘interest groups’
LSP Ideas and Submissions a fictional interview with Albert Einstein (Physics, based on original papers published by Einstein) a legal essay about trademark rights (Law) essential laboratory equipment & laboratory report (Chemistry) evidencing Euclid’s Theorem (Mathematics) professional email exchange (Business, part of arranging a one-year internship) analysis of a scene from Run Lola Run (Film Studies A-Level) video introducing own band (for social media release)
LSP reflections from students The task has an actual practical benefit and not all skills can be developed/equipped in classes. I covered topic wise the area of law which I will work in following my studies LSP reflections from students I found it helpful to research for myself an area that I‘m interested in. ... One thing I found interesting was the frequent use of Konjunktiv I in proofs. I have noticed that Germans are quite concise with the way they email so I had to learn to keep the email short and to the point but still get everything in. The dossier has given me a brilliant opportunity to learn completely new vocabulary that I had to seek out from various sources such as German chemistry textbooks and online sources. It also provided me with the opportunity to use grammatical structures ... such as the passive voice ... in the past. Helped me extend my specialist scientific vocabulary ... has improved my understanding of ... the relevant physics
Impact on learning tapping into intrinsic motivation increased feeling of responsibility for own learning confidence building (studying/working abroad) social bonding of the learner group better overall quality of submitted dossiers, reflected, among other things, in the marks
LSP, ILL & A1? bespoke dossier for MBA students in Beginners’ courses selection of prescribed tasks with business focus CV selection and translation of business headlines from a TL newspaper (incl. detailed vocabulary glossary) research and presentation of a business based in a TL country (in English)
Pick and Mix Bringing LSP into General Language Courses see opportunities, not restrictions recognise and encourage LSP learning promote the learner as an expert in their own right one size does not fit all, but LSP can fit comfortably around general language provision