.NET vs. J2EE Architecture


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Presentation transcript:

.NET vs. J2EE Architecture .NET and J2EE both provide distributed and concurrent solutions Sacramento Java User Group Chris Scheuble

Technology Stacks

.NET Architecture

J2EE Architecture

WebSphere Deployment

Enterprise Layers Database Persistence Business Presentation

Migration Efforts Domain Identities Data Inputs & Outputs A datum is an element of information that is transferred from an connector, or received by a service, via a connector. Services A service is an abstract unit of software instructions and internal state that provides a transformation of data via its connector. Interfaces An connector is an abstract mechanism that mediates communication, coordination, or cooperation among services. Technical Dependencies A dependency is a immutable condition that mandates cohesion to external hardware or software or embedding in an environment or other domain.

Migration Efforts Domain Identities Technical dependencies are further split into divided domains unless the effort to split the domain dependency out weighs the cost to maintain the dependency.

Migration Efforts Distributed System Interfaces Split the code base into multiple executables Decouple the message data Relax the binding between development teams Publish “client code” executables

Migration Efforts Unified Version Control Formalize the code base into code sets based upon the identified domains Automate all code set build and deploy procedures Includes database schemas Includes run-time, work station, server and client environments

Migration Efforts Synthesize the business Architect a business model not the features Abstract out data dependencies not switch statements Abstract out hierarchical dependencies not crusty concrete inheritances Design the framework not the details of how it is implemented Design unanimously not a methodology campaign

Migration Efforts Teamwork and Focus Team meetings Unified effort Encyclopedia Note book wiki Personal growth Sharing of objective findings Win as a team

Functional Architecture ORM Connectors Workflow Engines Legacy Middleware Systems Data Publishing & Caching Engines Business Rules Engines Session State Engines EDI / HTML Handlers Internal Support Tools

.NET vs. J2EE Architecture Questions… Sacramento Java User Group Chris Scheuble