Safety Tutorial For a Lab Technician Deborah Rispoli, Coordinator Fox Lane Internship Program
Training Tasks for a Lab Technician Operating Microscopes Analyzing Blood and Tissue Samples Delivering confidential documents to various hospital stations Coloring organ samples Preparing reports
True or False Pre-Test There are safety issues should you be aware of before starting an internship in a hospital laboratory. Knowing where the fire extinguishers and exits are is the responsibility of only your mentor. There will not be chemicals in the lab that are hazardous to you health. Since you are in a lab coat, dress does not matter. Your mentor can assign you any task that he/she sees fit.
Appropriate Clothing Lab coats are required at all times Sturdy shoes Neat, non revealing clothing
Safety Equipment Latex Gloves Protective Glasses Be aware of your surroundings at all times
Floors, Doors, and Exits Know the hospital floor plan Your mentor should explain fire exit procedures Your responsibility to know where you are in the hospital at all times
Chemical Hazards The chemicals in the lab are not dangerous unless ingested. Be sure to wear you gloves and goggles when analyzing specimens. Read all warning labels carefully.
Report All Injuries If you are injured in any way, be sure to tell your: mentor coordinator parents/guardian Be sure to fill out necessary paperwork promptly and correctly.
Post Test What are some duties of a lab technician? What is the dress code for a hospital lab? What type of safety equipment should be used? What should you know about emergency situations? Are there any chemical hazards-if yes what are they? What should you do in the event you are injured?
Safety Training Websites
Good Luck Enjoy your experience as a Lab Technician!