Future plans and world trend Masaki Mori Future plan meeting November 8, 2004
“Towards a Major Cherenkov Detectors” workshops Paris (1992) Calgary (1993) Tokyo (1994) Padova (1995) Kruger Park (1997) Snowbird (1999) "Towards a Network of Atmospheric Cherenkov Detectors"
The conference will cover the following topics: Status of VHE astrophysics in 2005: new instruments and observations. From shower images to astrophysical imaging. Multi-wavelength observations and phenomenology of high-energy gamma-ray sources. New projects in ground-based high-energy astrophysics. Instrumentation and calibration for Cherenkov telescopes; inter-calibration with space instruments. Data archiving and formatting and link with mainstream astrophysics.
Next-generation projects 5@5 Max Planck Inst. for Nuclear Physics 50m2 mirror area 5 telescopes (4 in 100m grid and 1 at center) at 5000m a.s.l. 3.2 camera, 721 pixels 5 GeV threshold ECO-1000 Max Planck Inst. for Physics 35m, 1000m2 mirror area <5 camera, >2000 pixels 5 GeV threshold Merck et al. ICRC2003 Aharonian et al. 2001 APh 15, 335
ECO-1000 European Cherenkov Observatory Mirror surface 1000m2 Initiative: MAGIC people Eth < 8 GeV in 2009/2010 Astro-ph/0403180
H.E.S.S. Phase 2 28m telescope at the center of H.E.S.S. telescopes Future: 10m-class stereo system in Atacama? A. Konopelko, Heidelberg colloquium, July 2004
Small Telescope ARrays (STAR) Many (>144) small telescopes Mirror 2.5m, camera 15cm (MCP?) U. Purdue / U. Washington (Buckley et al.) Gamma2004
? SuperCANGAROO “Strawman” design parameters As of June 2003 “Strawman” design parameters <10 GeV energy threthold 10 times more area x 2 times QE 30m, f=30m (F/1.0), parabola Field-of-view ~10 survey mode Short barrel preferred to keep long focal length new optical design necessary 0.1 -class pixel camera with advanced photon sensors Stereo observation is essential