Summary of the first day 2nd IPSG Meeting, Paris 24-25 November 2008
Summary of the first day Minutes of the previous meeting Approved 5QC assessment on the spot We have to manage the expectation of the audience (CAF vs Agoras): need to give better information, for a better preparation beforehand) Some lessons to learn for agoras : variety of satisfaction (less diatance, choice of the speakers –professionals-) Exhibition stands : much attention 5QC assessment with hindsight project Decisions Project will be presented to 5QC steering committee There will be a specific questionnaire for IPSG members (cf 4QC) IPSG members will send their comments on the 2 presented questionaires by the end of the week Evaluation will be sent to all participants (not only a sample)
Summary of the first day 6QC No candidate country for 6QC QC are the flagship of IPSG but Necessity of reconsidering concept of QC Need to consider results of evaluations first There must be a single operator, even if there are several financial contributors Consider to work more actively with EPSA (but different nature) Suggestions Separate preparation of contents and organisation of logistics EIPA is willing to support the QC contentwise (but QC must be initiative of MS) Conclusions Future of QCs in their current form is still questioned DGs must discuss and take a decision This issue will be addressed during the DG troika and the DG meeting along with the future of EUPAN
Summary of the first day CAF Update on the developments by the CAF RC Presentation by Elke Loeffler of the study about citizens and co-production of public services 5QC : conclusions of the assessment by the scientific rapporteurs and comments of IPSG Rethink about target group and format of QC Diminution of marginal utility : necessity to focus on innovation Interest to focus on the question of learning (to avoid fashion effect) But not forget practitioners’ aspect Challenge : meet the demand and find common European goals
Summary of the first day CSM decisions Propose to the EUPAN DGs to invite their colleagues to a seminar on this theme, involving DGs at local, national and federal level (organised by EIPA contentwise, subject to the agreement of the Czech DG). Spread the primer principles, at national level, according to the State’s priorities and organisation (Translation of the Primer, Organisation seminars … EIPA will organize a LT with MS interested in working on one specific subject of deepening. Two proposals: Customer satisfaction measurement Measuring quality IPSG members to reply to Nick by the end of the week Organisation of a CSM event in 2010 is not a priority, but this topic could be approached in a CAF event.