Assignment Tracking Sheet Color Code ACCURACY ANALYSIS STRUCTURE STYLE TECHNICAL Assignment Tracking Sheet
Assignment Tracking Sheet Color Code ACCURACY ANALYSIS STRUCTURE STYLE TECHNICAL Assignment Tracking Sheet
Norms Tracking Sheet How’d you do today? 4 – Yes 3 – Yes, But 2 – No, But 1 – No Norms Tracking Sheet How’d you do today? 0 – Absent DATE Be Present Listen as a Learner Step Up, Step Back Pause in Moments of Discomfort Critique the Idea, not the Person DATE Be Present Listen as a Learner Step Up, Step Back Pause in Moments of Discomfort Critique the Idea, not the Person
Norms Tracking Sheet How’d you do today? 4 – Yes 3 – Yes, But 2 – No, But 1 – No Norms Tracking Sheet How’d you do today? 0 – Absent DATE Be Present Listen as a Learner Step Up, Step Back Pause in Moments of Discomfort Critique the Idea, not the Person DATE Be Present Listen as a Learner Step Up, Step Back Pause in Moments of Discomfort Critique the Idea, not the Person
USH Essential Learnings Tracking Sheet DATE Recognize the evolution of various identities, groups, and perspectives in the US on a variety of topics and issues. (Know Your People) Explain and discuss the causes and effects of various conflicts and events in US History and what role identity and perspective played in them. (Know Your People, Causation) Analyze and critique various aspects of American society in order to determine who is/has been included in the "American identity" and who isn't/hasn't been to then identify areas of society that require change. (Know your People, Sociology, Analysis)
USH Essential Learnings Tracking Sheet DATE Recognize the evolution of various identities, groups, and perspectives in the US on a variety of topics and issues. (Know Your People) Explain and discuss the causes and effects of various conflicts and events in US History and what role identity and perspective played in them. (Know Your People, Causation) Analyze and critique various aspects of American society in order to determine who is/has been included in the "American identity" and who isn't/hasn't been to then identify areas of society that require change. (Know your People, Sociology, Analysis)
WH Essential Learnings Tracking Sheet DATE Students will be able to describe, compare and contrast the civilizations, values, and worldviews of others throughout the history of the world in order to better understand others throughout the world today. (Know Others) Students will be able to collect and examine a variety of sources in order to corroborate them and then structure them into a historical argumentative analysis. (Corroboration, Research, Structure) Students will discover various worldviews and values in other cultures throughout history through an examination of primary and secondary sources. (Know Others, Anthropology, Corroboration, Research)
WH Essential Learnings Tracking Sheet DATE Students will be able to describe, compare and contrast the civilizations, values, and worldviews of others throughout the history of the world in order to better understand others throughout the world today. (Know Others) Students will be able to collect and examine a variety of sources in order to corroborate them and then structure them into a historical argumentative analysis. (Corroboration, Research, Structure) Students will discover various worldviews and values in other cultures throughout history through an examination of primary and secondary sources. (Know Others, Anthropology, Corroboration, Research)