OPO Committee Fall 2016
Policy Implementation Dates DDR Completion This policy change will eliminate the need to complete the DDR on all “authorized but not recovered donors” – the DDR will only be required for actual donors BOD approved, implementation scheduled for 3rd quarter 2016 Reduce Documentation Shipped with Organs This policy change will reduce the amount of donor information (e.g. complete donor record) that gets shipped with each organ. (ABO, infectious disease) CMS is in the process of changing their regulations to align with OPTN policy
Policy Implementation Dates Imminent and Eligible Definitions This policy change is intended to make the data collection more consistent because the imminent and eligible definitions are being interpreted differently across OPOs BOD approved, effective date pushed back several times. Effective date scheduled for January 1, 2017 Educational efforts on being developed for early fall
Committee Projects System Optimizations to Expedite Organ Allocation Joint work group with representation from the following committees: Organ- specific committees, Transplant Coordinators Committee, and Operations/Safety Committee Topics being discussed: Time limits for responding to electronic organ offers, use of the provisional yes, technology changes to provide automated notifications (added or modified donor information, primary/backup notification, etc)
Questions? Jennifer Prinz Committee Chair jprinz@donoralliance.org Robert Hunter Committee Liaison robert.hunter@unos.org