Analyzing the Development & Organization of Ideas Prentice Hall Literature Grade Nine Common Core Edition Page 428-429
First: Introduce Ideas Introduce the topic and key ideas Ex: Although the sun is about 93 million miles away, solar activity can affect communications here on Earth. To understand why, picture water boiling in a pot. Bubbles on the surface burst and release steam. Similarly, solar flares on the surface of the sun can release particles that travel to the earth.
Second: Develop/elaborate on ideas Explain the ideas Show connections from one idea to the next Supporting details – information that explains, expands, or proves your ideas
Types of Supporting Details Statements of fact Statistics Examples Descriptions Reasons Expert opinions
Second: Organizational Structure Important to present information in a clear order A good organizational structure helps the reader understand structure- - pattern or organization
Types of Structure Chronological order Comparison and contrast Cause and effect
Analyzing Word Choice & Rhetoric
Author’s Purpose Three types: Inform Persuade entertain
Diction The author’s choice of words
Choices related to Diction Simple words Technical language Connotations Disastrous vs. challenging Tone Formal or informal Joyful or playful Joyous or annoyed That scoundrel will disgrace our city!
Figurative Language Simile Metaphor Personification Hyperbole
Rhetorical Devices & Purpose Patterns of words and ideas used to emphasize points and to make the reader remember them
Types of Rhetorical Devices Repetition - the repetitive use of a key word, phrase, or idea Ex. He plays with skill. He plays with passion. He plays in a style all his own.
Types of Rhetorical Devices Parallel structure – the use of similar grammatical structures to express related ideas Ex. The eagle soared above the tree tops, into the heavens, and beyond reach.
Types of Rhetorical Devices Restatement – the expression of the same idea in different words to strengthen a point Ex. Original sentence/idea: Aspire to greatness. Restatement 1: Aim high Restatement 2: and dream big. Final: Aspire to greatness. Aim high and dream big.
Types of Rhetorical Devices Rhetorical questions – inquiries that have obvious answers and that are asked for effect Ex. Is it really so much trouble to recycle? Isn’t saving our planet worth your time?