WFD and Hydromorphology
Starting a new activity on hydropower and navigation? Letter of 29 February asking the WD if they wish to start a new activity One negative reply (DK) 6 positive replies (NO, DE, NL, LUX, UK and BE/Flanders)
General questions raised by the replies Scope: only hydropower and navigation or other hydromorphological pressures such as flood defence? Co-operation with DG TREN? One or two separate activities? Final goal of the activity: information exchange or policy paper?
Two coming workshops in that context Berlin workshop at the end of May about “WFD exemptions” Prague workshop on October 2005 on HMWB
Decisions to be taken by the WD Starting a new activity? Scope and objectives? Available resources to feed the activity?
Other aspect: use of article 4.7 Article 4.7 deals with one specific case of “exemptions” For new modifications to the physical characteristics of a surface WB or alterations to the level of GWB, or For new sustainable human development activities Allowed under a successful test procedure
Towards a position paper? DG ENV expects to present a position paper on the use of article 4.7 under the UK presidency A first analysis was done by DG ENV/D2 It raises three sets of questions
Questions raised by article 4.7 Common understanding of key concepts (overriding public interest, alternatives, practicable mitigation measures, side effects on other WB) Links with other EU environmental directives (SEA, EIA and Habitats directives) Strategic content and use of the integrated river basin management plans (integration of other policies)