Tabs and their Functions WAMHRS Tabs and their Functions
Start Tab Functions
Desktop User can choose WAMHRS computer screen background depiction.
Initial Notification (IN) Brings up data entry fields for IN (old MDR).
Mishap/Hazard Entry Brings up data entry fields for both HAZREPs and SIR drafts.
Search/Edit Opens HAZREP/SIR search function.
My Workspace Brings up main page workspace folders.
My Workspace
Initial Notification (IN) Opens Draft Folder: Ability to review/change INs that have not been released.
Draft Opens Draft Folder: Ability to review/change HAZREPs/SIRs that have not been released.
Shared Opens Shared Folder: Ability to review/change HAZREPs/SIRs that have been routed to you (internal chop chain).
Edit Submitted Ability to review/change HAZREPs/SIRs that have been rejected by NSC Quality Assurance (QA).
Routed For Review Ability to view those HAZREPs/SIRs that have been routed in the WAMHRS internal chop chain.
Rejected by Routing Chain Ability to view those HAZREPs/SIRs that have been rejected in the WAMHRS internal chop chain.
Rejected by QA Ability to view HAZREPs/SIRs that have been rejected by NSC Quality Assurance (QA).
Misrec/Hazrec Ability to view/respond to Hazard/Mishap recommendation requests (usually reserved for NAVAIR) or those with permissions.
Endorsements List HAZREPs/SIRs requiring endorsement responses.
Notifications When on-line will display HAZREPs/SIRs to user with privileges. Currently being done through NMCI access.
Pending Requests Reserved for Naval Safety Center (NSC).
Account Maintenance Specifically designed for command safety Authority (SA). See SA brief for direction.
Pre-formatted Reports Opens up NSC database query function. Ability to search submitted reports/findings from NSC mainframe for those with permission.
Logoff Self Explanatory. Recommended way to end WAMHRS session.