Computer-Based Testing (CBT) Certification Tool Maria C. Bruguera, Director 1 Mara C. Ugando, Staff Specialist Kathleen Sierra, Supervisor Assessment, Research, and Data Analysis
2018-2019 CBT Assessments Florida Standards Assessments (FSA): AIR Platform FSA English Language Arts (ELA) Writing Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Retake FSA ELA Reading
2018-2019 CBT Assessments Florida Standards Assessments (FSA): AIR Platform FSA Mathematics Grade 7 Grade 8 FSA End-of-Course (EOC) Algebra 1 Retake Algebra 1 Geometry
2018-2019 CBT Assessments Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS): Pearson TestNav Platform NGSSS End-of Course (EOC) Biology 1 Civics US History
Spring 2019 Certification Requirements for Computer-Based Testing (CBT) ALL schools (K-8 centers, middle schools, senior high schools, and alternative centers) administering CBT assessments in the spring must complete the following two procedures to ensure readiness: The first requirement is to complete the FLDOE web-based certification tool. The web-based certification tool window is: December 14, 2018 –January 25, 2019 The second requirement is to conduct readiness trials for each CBT platform; as applicable: School-wide AIR FSA Infrastructure Readiness Trial on any day within the February 11-15, 2019 window; and School-wide PearsonAccess Next Infrastructure Readiness Trial on any day within the April 15-19, 2019 window. Please refer to the “FSA Infrastructure Trial Guide” and the “Pearson’s Infrastructure Readiness Guide” to have the necessary information and instructions to conduct the trials.
Minimum Specifications 2018-2019 AIR’s FSA Minimum Specifications Important Note: AIR released a new secure browser (v. 10.5) for the 2018-19 school year. All schools must have the new browser. Refer to Weekly Briefing # 23912.
Minimum Specifications 2018-2019 Pearson’s TestNav Minimum Specifications Important Note: Pearson has also released an updated TestNav app for the administration of the NGSSS assessment programs. The TestNav app is optional for schools to download Refer to Weekly Briefing #23230.
FSA Secure Browser A secure browser must be downloaded and installed on all computers that will be used for student testing. The new FSA Secure Browser 10.5 is now available at resources/secure-browsers.stml All schools must have new browser installed by winter or spring testing. Software application is installed either on a file server or on each computer that will be used for testing. Response files are not saved locally. (No Proctor Caching software.) Note: If there is a disruption in connectivity during testing, the students will be prevented from continuing to test until the issue is resolved. Weekly Briefing # 23912
TestNav – PearsonAccess Next Web-browser, no download on individual student workstations Proctor Caching software must be installed only in proctor caching computers. Software application is installed either on a file server or on each computer that will be used as a proctor caching computer. Important Note: Pearson has released a new TestNav app for the 2018-19 school year. (Weekly Briefing #23230) Optional Installable Desktop App is available to at *All schools must have new browser installed by winter or spring testing. *
Spring 2019 Certification Process Certification Tool opens on: December 14, 2018 Certification Tool closes on: January 25, 2019 Note: This survey must be completed by ALL schools and centers administering the Spring 2019 FSA and NGSSS CBT assessments.
Spring 2019 Certification Process M-DCPS’ FSA CBT Administration Schedules Date Assessment February 25 - March 15 Spring 2019 FSA Retake ELA Grade 10 Retake (Writing & Reading components) Algebra 1 EOC Retake April 1-12 Spring 2019 FSA ELA Writing Component Grades 7-10 May 1-29 Spring 2019 FSA ELA and Mathematics ELA Reading: Grades 7-10 Math: Grades 7-8 Note: The tests may be administered in any order, by school. One subject test does not need to be completed before another begins, and subject tests may be administered concurrently. Secondary Early Release on March 14, April 11, and May 9; and No School on May 27.
Spring 2019 Certification Process M-DCPS’ FSA & NGSSS CBT Administration Schedules Date Assessment May 1-29 Spring 2019 FSA End-of-Course (EOC)s Algebra 1 (first-time testers) Geometry Spring 2019 NGSSS EOCs Biology 1 Civics US History Note: The tests may be administered in any order, by school. One subject test does not need to be completed before another begins, and subject tests may be administered concurrently. Secondary Early Release May 9; and No School on May 27.
Certification Tool Steps Access the tool at Step 1: Log in and Change Your Password Step 2: Enter Contact Information Step 3: Complete the Survey I. Computer Specifications II. Student Scheduling Plan III. Annual/Long-Term Checklist IV. Administration-Specific Checklist Note: Once you have entered all of the data, click “Save” and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen. Step 4: Review the Data with School Staff Step 5: Confirm School Computer-Based Assessment Certification Team Step 6: Complete Survey
Step 1: Log in and Change Your Password Important Note: The first time you log in, the username will be the M-DCPS two-digit district number (13) and your four-digit school number with no spaces (e.g.,13XXXX) for both the username and password. You will be prompted to change your password.
Step 2: Enter Contact Information The first time you log in, you will be required to give contact information for the individual at your school who will be responsible for reviewing and approving school data in the tool. Be sure to click “Save”. Note: Once you have entered and saved the contact information, click on the Main Menu to proceed.
Step 3: Complete the Survey I. Computer Specifications Enter the number of computers that are available for high-stakes computer-based assessments, and meet minimum stated specifications. Please be sure to click on “Save” and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen. Note: This section must be completed first because the data you enter will be used to populate fields in Section II.
Step 3: Complete the Survey II. Student Scheduling Plan Enter the number of students to be tested and the number of sessions the school plans to conduct each day of the assessment window. Please be sure to click on “Save” and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen. Note: Only enter data for the dates that are approved based on the district’s testing calendar. *Be sure not to enter data when students are not in school like on Memorial Day.*
Step 3: Complete the Survey III. Annual/Long-Term Checklist Please be sure to click on “Save” when you complete the checklist and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen.
Step 3: Complete the Survey IV. Administration-Specific Checklist Please be sure to click on “Save” when you complete the checklist and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen.
Step 4: Review the Data with Your school Use the “Print Survey” function from the Main Menu to print all data that has been entered in the tool for your school to review with school staff.
Step 5: School Computer-Based Assessment Certification Team Identify the principal and a school-level team of contacts for computer-based testing. One person is also to be identified as the primary point of contact for the school. Click on “Save” and select the link to continue the survey at the top of the screen.
Step 6: Complete survey Go to the Survey section and select “VI. Submit to District.” Very Important Note: Click “Survey Completed” on this page. This will record the date and notify your district that the survey is complete.
Student Assessment and Educational Testing Contact Information: Student Assessment and Educational Testing 305-995-7520