NWT Asset Management Strategy & Implementation May 2017
NWT Asset Management Strategy At the last years NWTAC AGM the NWT asset management (AM) strategy framework was introduced. It is a roadmap that outlines both what and how AM will be implemented in the NWT. It will support community government in their goals to achieve sustainable service delivery. The NWT Asset Management (AM) Strategy Framework is a roadmap that outlines what and how the GNWT will support community governments to achieve best practices in AM. It can also serve as a roadmap for each community to take to ensure sustainable service delivery.
AM Foster Culture NWT AM APPROACH Awareness Best Practices Training Asset Identification, Data Collection, Reporting and Condition Assessments Maintenance / Asset Management System (Software / Checklists) Know your Financial Situation and Set Priorities Asset Management Strategy, Plan and Policy. Evaluate and Monitor Know your Assets Manage Asset Lifecycles Understand Decisions Set and Implement the Rules Training Sustainable Service Delivery Best Practices Foster Culture Awareness AM KNOW Your ASSETS MANAGE ASSET LIFECYCLES UNDERSTAND DECISIONS SET AND IMPLEMENT RULES The NWT AM framework outlines the key elements and steps that communities can follow as they make progress in Asset Management. The NWT Approach is promoting a 4 stage process. These stages include; 1-Knowing Your Assets – Asset Inventory 2-Managing Your Assets throughout their Lifecycle – Tracking maintenance, repairs, upgrades made to assets 3-Understanding Decisions – Using the information that is gathered in stage 2 to make good and informed decisions on infrastructure investment 4-Setting and Implementing the Rules – Developing asset management plans and policies to inform infrastructure investment MACA will be supporting communities through all of these stages and on an on-going basis as requested. Gas Tax Commitment Reminder The GNWT and all community governments have committed to making improvements in asset management by way of signing the Federal Gas Tax Agreement. The GNWT will be responsible for reporting back to the Federal Government on community government advancements in AM.
Where are we now? With advice from NWTAC and community representatives, MACA has chosen an asset management software that is available for all NWT communities. In late 2016, we chose 11 pilot communities interested in implementing the software. We have currently collected data from six pilot communities. Community staff’s assistance has been an invaluable resource. Data from the remaining five communities will be completed by the end of June. MACA staff has travelled to 6 of the 11 pilot communities to collect data. Community staff have been an invaluable asset offering assistance where ever needed, going as far as driving MACA employees around, ensuring they have access to any required buildings and providing valuable building history. Communities done to date include; Ulu, Sachs, Fort McP, Behchoko, Katlodeecehe, YKDFN MACA staff is actively working with the five remaining communities to collect the data by the end of June. Communities remaining include; Inuvik, Fort Smith, Fort Liard, Deline,
Where are we now? Once all of the data is collected MACA staff will be working hard to upload it into the software system (Azzier Webworks) to have it ready for community training. Over the summer MACA will be consulting with pilot communities and NWTAC on preventative maintenance procedures. Communication will go out to Pilot communities in June identifying dates for training and next steps.
Next Steps There will be 2 training events occurring prior to GO LIVE. The pilot communities will ‘GO LIVE’ on the software system in fall of 2017. There will be 2 training events occurring prior to GO LIVE. MACA will support training costs for up to 2 staff per pilot community A MACA staff person will be on site in the community to support the GO LIVE. A ‘GO LIVE’ approach will begin in the fall of 2017. This will include two rounds of approx. 1 week training session for at least two members of each community with the option for the community to send more if they choose. Following the training a MACA staff member will travel to your community for the week the program rolls out. Being on hand to help troubleshoot any problems that may arise. Although MACA staff will only be in the community for a week they will continue to be a resource through out the programs duration. Once the pilot communities have received their training and have started to roll out the program we will start soliciting for round two, sending out letters to any interested parties.
Phase 2 Implementation Early 2018 solicitation will begin for Phase 2 software implementation. Communities that we couldn’t accommodate in Phase 1 will be given priority. Similar to Phase 1 (pilot) we will be accepting up to 10 communities Implementation in the remaining communities will occur in 2019-2020
Collaboration MACA will be working in partnership with communities and other community government organizations as we roll out the AM Strategy. Input will be sought after on: The development of Training and Support Tools The development of AM Templates The development of preventative maintenance schedules, procedures and other inspection checklists needed in the Azzier Tool. MACA will be contacting pilot communities to receive feedback on current PM scheduling and procedures to use as a basis to develop a PM schedule and procedures in Azzier.
AM Templates and Tools AM Template Development NWTAC Asset Management Plan Asset Management Policy Asset Management By-Law NWTAC Inspection Checklists Instructional Videos MACA will be working in partnership with communities and other community organizations to develop AM template documents that meet best practice requirements as well as accommodates the size and uniqueness of NWT communities Karen NWTAC developing inspection forms for mobile equipment, vehicles and buildings. In addition there are plans for the production of instructional videos that will also help in the inspection process.
Collaboration MACA will work with NWTAC to develop a process for ensuring update NORCIX insurance appraisal information is compatible for upload into the maintenance management system. MACA will work with smaller communities to develop and implement a manual asset management plan. Communities that choose a different software program can access any of the templates and best practices and MACA can assist as needed with implementation of their AM plan. The data currently being collected is supplementing the data already received through the formula funding review and the NORCIX insurance reports. This collaboration will allow for Azzier to be automatically updated based on NORCIX’s findings, dissolving the need for continuous MACA trips to take an asset inventory. Or for community staff members to enter data into Azzier on an annual basis. Smaller communities with fewer assets may feel that a specialized asset management software is not necessary to their needs, MACA will be working with those communities to develop an asset management plan that would involve more manual entry. Communities may also choose to use a different software program than the one supported by MACA. MACA would not be able to support with software advice or training, but those communities would still have access to any templates or best practice manuals that are developed.
Moving Forward MACA Commitment Support communities in the development of their specific AM plan. Support the initial purchase and training of a standard asset management software for interested communities. Becoming specialists in that software to provide ongoing support and training with communities. Providing support, both hands-on and over the phone. Developing standard preventative maintenance checklists/schedules available for all communities. Work in partnership with stakeholders to develop AM templates that are in line with best practices. Support communities in the development of their community specific AM Plan. Support the initial purchase of the software and the initial training. Becoming software specialists in order to support the ongoing training with communities. Providing support, both hands-on and over the phone. Developing preventative maintenance checklists/schedules for community infrastructure Work in partnership with stakeholders to develop AM Templates that are in line with Best Practices.
Moving Forward Community Commitment Implementation of an AM plan Identify appropriate CG staff for training Future staff training and on-going licensing and support fees for the software Committed to the on-going use of the electronic maintenance management system Sign an MOU demonstrating community Council and Staff commitment to AM. Community Commitments will include: Champion to work with MACA Identify appropriate CG staff for training Future staff training and on-going licencing and support fees for the software Implementation of an AM plan Sign an MOU demonstrating community Council and Staff commitment to AM Roles and Responsibilities of all parties will be laid out in an MOU that will be signed by SAO and Council.
Moving Forward NWTAC Commitment Providing the asset maintenance funding reports contained in the NORIX appraisals Developing inspection forms for: Mobile Equipment Vehicles Buildings Plans for the production of instructional videos Support Promotion and Communication Karen to speak to NWTAC items. The asset maintenance funding reports that contained in the appraisals for each community will continue to be provided by NORCIX in the future. These reports are very helpful in budgeting the life cycle maintenance costs on all buildings for the next 25 years. NWTAC developing inspection forms for mobile equipment, vehicles and buildings. In addition there are plans for the production of instructional videos that will also help in the inspection process.