1. CERTIFICATION – WHY? HOW? The main purpose of Certification is to bring confidence to all involved parties by giving evidence that the product, process or service complies with specific requirements and/or standards. Its value depends on the degree of confidence established by an impartial and competent Third Party providing evidences that these various requirements are reached.
1. CERTIFICATION – WHY? HOW? Stakeholders (not exhaustive) Clients of Certification Bodies Clients of Companies with certified products Authorities and Governments NGOs Consumers, end users
1. CERTIFICATION – WHY? HOW? To build confidence, Certification is based on the ‘4 eyes’ principle: 1st step: The product / service / process is evaluated through tests (ISO/IEC 17025), audits (ISO/IEC 17021), inspections (ISO/IEC 17020) or a combination of these 3 types of evaluation. => An Evaluation Report confirming conformity is issued. 2nd step: The folder, including all evidences of conformity of the product / service / process (including above reports), is reviewed by a person who did not take part to the 1st step. => A Certificate confirming conformity and compliance with the Certification Rules (ISO/IEC 17065) is issued.
2. LABORATORIES AND CERTIFICATION BODY A Certification Body (CB) is an impartial and independent Third-Party Body responsible for the full Certification process including qualification and monitoring of the Laboratories used in evaluation. It issues a Certificate and can be accredited according to ISO/IEC 17065. Test Laboratories: A Test Laboratory can be 1st Party, 2nd Party or 3rd Party. It issues a Test Report and/or an Attestation of Conformity and can be accredited according to ISO/IEC 17025. 1st Party: Manufacturer of the certified product 2nd Party: Client of the Manufacturer of the certified product 3rd Party: Independent Body
2. LABORATORIES AND CERTIFICATION BODY TEST LABORATORIES 1st Party 2nd Party 3rd Party 17025 17065 Evaluation Test Reports Certification Body (CB) 3rd Party Evaluation Review Test Report Attestation + Attestation Certificate Laboratories (examples): 1st Party: Grid Solutions, Legrand, Schneider Electric 2nd Party: EDF, SNCF, … 3rd Party: LCIE, UL, VDE, KEMA, CESI …. CB (examples): 3rd Party: ASEFA, LCIE, UL, VDE ….
3. ASEFA: ABOUT US (1/2) ASEFA: 40 years of experience in the Third Party Certification of Electrical Products ASEFA is a Certification Body accredited by the COFRAC according to ISO/IEC 17065 ( – N° 5-0037) ASEFA has approved an international network of more than 20 Test Laboratories , all accredited ISO 17025 ASEFA is engaged in a technical quality approach: Through its active participation in various European organizations and agreements. In organizing inter-laboratories test campaigns to ensure consistency and reproducibility of test results from the approved Test Laboratories. ASEFA is a balanced organization managed by representatives of three colleges: Technical and Third Party Organizations : LCIE BV, UTE, ESEF. Users and Specifiers: ENEDIS, RTE, EDF R&D. OEMs and Distributors.
3. ASEFA: ABOUT US (2/2) ASEFA offer a « one-stop solution » for optimal access to various certifications required for your business: ASEFA Certification STL Certification EV READY Certification (Products and Installers) Certification as per « Customer » standards ASEFA Certificates are recognized just like those issued by ASTA CEBEC SGS, CESI, Intertek SEMKO, ... by the actors of the electric industry, namely: Major international OEMs and contractors: ENEDIS, RTE, RWE, TERNA... Organizations for Low Voltage and High Voltage areas: LOVAG, ESEF
4. ASEFA: PROCESS TO PRESERVE IMPARTIALITY ASEFA as a Certification Body accredited ISO/IEC 17065 ( – N° 5-0037) has a process to preserve impartiality. This process, in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 provides inputs on: policies and principles regarding the impartiality of Certification activities, any tendency to allow commercial or other considerations to hinder the objective and reliable delivery of Certification services, the elements that may affect the impartiality and confidence in certification, including transparency. This Process is ensured by the Certification Management Committee of LCIE. This Committee can at any moment initiate an independent action, such as: Informing the authorities Informing the Certification Bodies Informing involved parties …
5. ASEFA: CERTIFICATION SCOPE ASEFA certifies products according to different types of reference documents including: Standards adopted at French, European and Internaional levels: NF EN, IEC, UTE, ANSI, GOST ... Other normative documents recognized by the Electrical industry, such as HN technical specifications issued by EDF. Technical Specifications . Customer Specifications, subject to acceptance by the Certification Committee. All these reference documents define the ASEFA certification scope
6. ASEFA: TYPE OF CERTIFICATION ASEFA as a Certification Body delivers Certificates for Low Voltage and High Voltage applications following different Certification schemes: Low Voltage: • ASEFA Type Certification • EV READY Mark High Voltage: • ASEFA Type Certification as per STL requirements
6. ASEFA: TYPE OF CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY Internationally recognized Provides a worldwide evidence of compliance
7. CONTACTS To contact us: ASEFA Director : Vincent SCHUHL , +33(0)140956070 , ASEFA Secretary : Katia LIZABAULT, +33(0)140956102 , ASEFA - 33 Avenue du Général Leclerc - 92260 Fontenay-aux-Roses - FRANCE