Maps Latitude and Longitude
Latitude AKA- Parallels Run horizontally, east and west Creates Northern and Southern Hemisphere Measured from 090ºNorth in northern hemisphere Measured from 090ºSouth in southern hemisphere
Latitude continued Important latitude lines: Tropic of Cancer- 23ºN Equator-0º Tropic of Capricorn-23ºS Arctic Circle- 60ºN Antarctic Circle- 60ºS
Latitude Lines of latitude run all the way around the Earth Lines of latitude are not all the same length
Longitude AKA meridians Run north and south (vertically) Create eastern and western hemisphere Measured from 0-180ºE in the Eastern hemisphere Measured from 0-180ºW in the western hemisphere
Longitude Cont. Important Longitude lines Prime meridian- 0º International Date line-180º Meridians are all the same length