Vocab Unit 4 Quiz on 1/5/18
Affiliated Adjective Associated, connected The club was affiliated with Palos Verdes High School, so they used red and black for their colors.
Ascertain Verb To find out Since he had paint all over him, my mom was quickly able to ascertain that my little brother was lying to her when he said he didn’t paint on the walls.
Attainment noun An accomplishment; the act of achieving Last class, we went to listen to a counselor talk about the attainment of future goals and going to college.
Bequeath Verb To give or pass on as an inheritance My great-grandfather bequeathed each of his grandchildren a family heirloom when he passed away.
Cogent Adjective Forceful; convincing; relative; to the point She made a cogent argument that convinced everyone she was right.
Converge Verb To move toward one point All the cars attempted to converge to one line on the freeway, which caused a traffic jam.
Disperse verb To scatter; spread far and wide The crowd dispersed after the game and everyone went their separate ways.
Esteem Noun - a highly favorable opinion or judgment Verb - to regard highly I held my aunt in high esteem because she ran a non-profit to help illiterate children.
Expunge Verb To erase, obliterate, or destroy The man expunged all of the records in an attempt to cover up his scheming.
Finite Adjective Having limits; lasting for a limited time We had a finite amount of time to take the SAT.
Invulnerable Adjective Not able to be wounded, hurt; shielded Most people thought the superhero was invulnerable, but one day a villain took him down.
Malevolent Adjective Spiteful; showing ill will The malevolent man attacked Scout and Jem on Halloween to get back at their father.
Nonchalant Adjective Cool and confident; unconcerned Despite feeling nervous about her presentation, Susie was able to appear nonchalant about it.
Omniscient adjective Knowing everything; having unlimited awareness The omniscient narrator of the book was able to tell about what each character was thinking and feeling.
Panacea Noun A remedy for all ills; an answer to all problems The software update was supposed to be the panacea for all of the problems, but it actually led to more bugs and annoyances.
Scrupulous Adjective Exact; careful; having high morals; principled The scrupulous editor made sure to spell-check every article before it went to print.
Skulk Verb To move about stealthily; to lie in hiding The detective skulked in the shadows as she followed a man she was investigating.
Supercilious Adjective Proud and contemptuous; showing scorn through feeling of superiority No one liked the supercilious boy who always scored 100% on everything because he would rub it in people’s faces.
Uncanny Adjective Strange; mysterious; beyond explanation It was uncanny how my friend and I ended up eating at the same restaurant at the same time without ever coordinating a meeting.
Venial Adjective Easily excused; pardonable I was pulled over for a venial traffic infraction, so the officer let me off with a warning.