Peace within! Peace at Home! Peace in the World! Education for Peace!
Education or Devastation Rote Memorization Based Education (Parhana) Vs Competency Based Education (Sikhana)
Seven Bad Qualities Produced Rote Memorization (Parhana) Seven Bad Qualities Produced
1.Confusion Lots of thoughts No Conclusion
2.Blame Others Never admit their fault. Look around to blame
3.Pessimistic Negative thoughts in mind. Wishing for something better.
4.Argue Get into the arguments. Unable to listen to others.
5.Externally Driven Not persistent. Try to get other peoples attention.
6.Lack Of Priorities Unable To Arrange tasks In Order.
7.Taker Not Competent. Look towards others To Satisfy Them
Competency Based Education System(Sikhana)
1.Willing To Learn
2.Caring Take Care Of others Comfortable seeing others comfortable.
3.Confidence Confident In Thoughts
4.Optimistic Look At The Bright Side Hopeful.
5.Disciplined Organized Meet Deadlines
6.Desire Desire To Work
7.Give More Than take Contribute
Conclusion. Education(Sikhana) makes a people easy to lead but difficult to drive; easy to govern but impossible to enslave.