Group PresentaTion Template You don’t have to follow this exactly. This is just a guideline.
Background Talk briefly about general context, needs assessment, problem you want to solve.
Theory of Change Describe the specific intervention you are evaluating Talk about how it will solve part of the problem you described in the background You may want to mention other causes of a problem that your intervention will not solve (you can use the TOC template in the appendix)
Evaluation Questions and Outcomes These should be directly linked to the TOC described above. What outcomes do you need to measure to test your research hypothesis?
Evaluation Design Unit of randomization, type of randomization (why did you choose these). The actual randomization design, i.e. specific treatment group(s).
Data and Sample Size Outcomes Tell us where you will get the data – survey? Administrative? Power calcs Justify where you got effect size and rho from, don’t make it up. You may need to do separate power calcs for separate outcomes.
Potential Challenges Talk about threats (attrition, spillover, etc.) and how you want to manage them. You may need to revise your power calcs
Results Why and for whom they would be useful. How would you disseminate them.
Intermediary outcomes Theory of Change Need Assessment Need Assessment Intervention Intervention Assumptions Intermediary outcomes Final Outcome Outcomes