Software Engineering I Fall 2017


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Presentation transcript:

Software Engineering I Fall 2017 University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering MS Project Tutorial CSCI-577a Software Engineering I Fall 2017

Outline Overview Tasks Milestones Resources Download Link Demo Notes University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Outline Overview Tasks Milestones Resources Download Link Demo Notes

Overview Project management tool University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Overview Project management tool Effectively track and analyze projects Tasks Schedule Resources

University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Tasks Are parts of the whole work and needed to be done in order to accomplish the goal May be treated as milestones (Deliverables) May contain subtasks Can be responsibility of individual or group of people May require some other tasks to finish before it begins (Tasks dependency)

Milestones Anchor points at the end of each phase University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Milestones Anchor points at the end of each phase Something you need submit, deliver or present. For 577a - ARB reviews Valuation Commitment Review Foundations Commitment Review – …

University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Resources People/equipments/materials/services assigned to various tasks Affect the scope and schedule of projects

Download Link Search “Viterbi Microsoft Imagine Portal” University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Download Link Search “Viterbi Microsoft Imagine Portal” Download “Project Professional 2016”

Demo Add tasks… Add subtasks… Link tasks… Adjust dates… Add resources… University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Demo Add tasks… Add subtasks… Link tasks… Adjust dates… Add resources… Create a milestone Update Progress

University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Notes Submit Project Plan (Mpp file) every other Wednesday on team website along with (Bi-Weekly package): Risk/Defects Progress Report Naming Convention for file: Week01_MPP_F18a_T01.mpp Week Increment by 2, TXX = Team number Project Plan covers at least next two weeks

Notes (Cont.) Make sure project plan consistent with progress report University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Notes (Cont.) Make sure project plan consistent with progress report Don’t be too general in tasks Testing X Develop Feature X Update progress of previous tasks. Utilize milestones References for Task Planning: 577a Class Schedule ICSM Guidelines

Q&A Center for Systems and Software Engineering University of Southern California Center for Systems and Software Engineering Q&A