Bellwork 8/31 #1 Open up your agenda’s to next week. Write the following down in your agenda: Monday- NO School Wednesday- Concept Card Quiz Thursday- Assessment over 7.1 & 7.2 (Fall of Rome, Roman Legacies, Byzantine/Eastern Roman Empire) #2 Title page 17 in your compbook “The Byzantine Empire”. Fold the Byzantine Empire worksheet in ½ and glue the blank side down. (The cartoon should be facing up)
Review Fall of Rome Continuation of the Roman Empire as the Eastern Roman Empire Eastern Roman Empire becomes the Byzantine Empire Key to the Byzantine Empire’s success = Constantinople
What. Why. how What are we learning today? Why is this important? We are going to learn more about why Constantinople was so successful and how it benefited the Eastern Roman Empire We are also going to be practicing annotation skills Why is this important? How will we know that we've succeeded our goals for today? __ I can list three reasons why Constantinople was so successful. __I can explain how Constantinople's success benefit the Byzantine Empire __ I can use the following annotations to connect with a text
Constantinople DBQ
Let’s work together:
Do the next 3 On your own:
Wrap it up!!! On the back of your handout, write the following TOPIC sentence: Constantinople’s location was beneficial to the Byzantine Empire’s success. Under the TOPIC sentence, list 3 pieces of information from the documents that support the TOPIC sentence above.
extension Write a supporting sentence for each of the pieces of supporting information you listed. Restate the topic sentence in different words to create a full paragraph.