CLEANING Session Number: 2 Focus: Agility & Spatial Awareness Sub-Focus: Directions, movement and finding space. Session Aim: To recognise space and when the right time is to move in to it, as well as being aware of others around you.
Learning Objectives To be able to find space when moving in different directions. To be aware of surroundings and change speed and direction.
Activity Detail Skills Used Resource Warm Up Skill Focus Travelling around area in different ways such as jogging, side steps etc. Stretching exercises. Jogging Stretching Skill Focus Different types of cleaning, doing the actions of sweeping, scrubbing, hoovering, dusting. Give everyone dust cloth (bib) to tuck in shorts/trousers etc. Either coach or child is the cleaner and they must try and take back all their dust cloths by stealing them back. Agility Awareness Change of direction Bibs Technical Practice Make a mess with all equipment on the floor. Two teams – must tidy up all toys/equipment off the floor and place them in basket (hoops) as quickly as possible. Team that does it the quickest wins. Only pick up one thing at a time. Teamwork Communication Cones Balls Floor spots Hoops Progression Progress so they have to put the stuff in correct coloured hoops. Red stuff goes in to red hoop, blue in blue etc.
Assessment Struggles to find space or change speed and direction. May occasionally do one of the objectives. Finds space and changes speed and direction on occasions. May frequently do one of the two objectives but not both. Frequently finds space when moving in different directions and is able to change speed and direction throughout the session.