French & Indian War Cause and Effect
Major Reasons Countries Go To War Self Defense Defending Values Assisting an Ally (ies) Advancing Interests
What’s in a Name? Contrary to the name it was NOT the French vs. the Indian French + Indian vs. Britain+ Indian These two countries were fighting over land and power and the colonists were there to support their mother country
Before the War
Causes of War Growth of population in the British Colonies Economy Fur trading in the French region of the Ohio River Valley was plentiful A lot of money to be had
Cause - Hegemony (he – gem – ony) The predominant influence exercised by one nation over others. ( The F&I War was about who would take over or be the predominant power in the New World.
England Dominates
The Outcome -- Effect England won hegemony (they won control) TREATY OF PARIS of 1763 England pushed French out of Canada Britain gained all French lands east of MS River except New Orleans. Britain gained Florida from Spain (who had allied with France in War) British continued to take land from Indians they would continue to take land and expand west.
After the War