IPC and Physics Lynda Kilgore
My awesome husband. He’s an Aggie whoop whoop My family Look, see I have a teenager at home too, I know what your going through. My awesome husband. He’s an Aggie whoop whoop I also have adorable little boys and I know you often still see your big kids as your babies.
Mrs. Kilgore Biotechnology and Science education Lexicon Genetics Klein ISD Mommy TMHS
Daily life Students pick up assignments from the green basket as they come in. Lots of labs and activities Not a lot of notes. (hands on learning) All assignments and notes are posted in google classroom. Must have a TMHS email address for access so ask you students to show you.
Extra Credit Students can record themselves teaching a lesson. Once approved by myself I will post it on google classroom so that classmates can use it to study. The lesson must be on level, not to easy or to hard. Written parental consent required. Students who fail a test must come in for tutorials and have no zeros in the gradebook. Students who pass a test but are still not happy with their grade can tutor a peer and then retake the test.
IPC Fall semester: Physics Spring semester: Chemistry Speed, velocity and acceleration Force and motion Work and energy Electricity and magnetism waves Matter Atomic structure Periodic table Compounds Chemical reactions Water and solutions Acids bases and salts There is a lot of math and they don’t always like that.
Physics Kinematics 1D Kinematics 2D Newton’s laws and friction Linear Momentum, collision and impulse Work energy and power Waves and sound Light and optics Circuits and magnetism Fluids and thermodynamics Nuclear Physics There is a lot of math. They don’t always like that.
Classroom expectations Follow directions the first time. Especially in the lab. Respect yourself, your peers and your teacher. Do your own work and turn it in. Consequence Warning Stay after class Call or email home Referral
Cell phones Shouldn’t be texting in class. First offense: I take up the cell phone and they get it back after class. Second offense and the cell phone must be turned in to the principle. During Tests & Quizzes: Phones will be turned off and placed in the caddy. A student with a phone out during test/ quizzes will receive a 0 and a referral.
Conference Conference Thanks! 3rd period 9:3710:28 lyndakilgore@tomballisd.net Remind 101: https://www.remind.com/join/mrslkilg Thanks! Thanks for being great parents! You have wonderful children!