18 May 2015 Discuss: How did the cottononocracy dominate society in the South? Pages 388-90 Today, I will be able to identify the 5 groups that made southern society. I will be able to describe the sufferings of African Americans under slavery. You need to turn in section 3 if you haven’t done so already. You may have a quiz 14.3-4 on Wednesday (be prepared)
Slave Codes Goal: Perpetuate the institution of slavery and maintain planter dominance in the South. Slave codes could differ depending on the state; however, the further South the more restrictive the code. African Americans were forbade to meet in groups larger than 3. WHY? African Americans were not allowed to leave their owner’s plantation without the owners written permission. WHY? African Americans weren’t allowed to own guns. WHY? It was a crime to learn to read and write. WHY? Any slave attempting to run away and leave the colony (later, state) receives the death penalty Willful killing of a slave exacts a fine of 700 pounds, and "passion" killing 350 pounds
Family Marriage was forbade Slaves were encouraged to be promiscuous in order to increase the slave population. The father of the child would be sold off. Children would remain with their mother until at least the age of 8. Reliance upon extended kinship networks (grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc).
RESISTANCE Try to escape North Subversive methods: Break tools, destroy crops, steal food, work slowly Violence Denmark Vesey Nat Turner
Spirituals Why do you like music? Roots of the music are founded in traditional African tribal music which was forbidden Discuss being in bondage/connection to the old testament Provided hope Allowed for the day to pass quicker Form of communication, discussing possible escape.
Underground Railroad Define: Conductor Primary destination? What was a safe house called? Who were the station masters How many people did Harriet Tubman help to escape? Why did runaway slaves often travel near or by water? What role did quilts play in assisting runaway slaves? Secrets of the Underground Railroad
Spirituals and the Underground Railroad Swing low, Sweet Chariot