Ovulona TM A revolutionary women’s health product & technology platform Personal monitor of cervix uteri From teen age to menopause © bioZhena Corporation
bioZhena’s Mission Personal Reproductive Health Management Tampon-like insertion for a few seconds not needed in next generation design
From patients’ Ovulona™ units to a physician’s Ovulograph™ Friendly Technology Data From Home To Healthcare Providers From patients’ Ovulona™ units to a physician’s Ovulograph™ – when needed
From patients’ Ovulona™ units to a physician’s Ovulograph™ Friendly Technology Data From Home To Healthcare Providers From patients’ Ovulona™ units to a physician’s Ovulograph™ – when needed
Ovulograph™ for menstrual cycle diagnosis Baseline record flanked by two non-baseline records with abnormalities Abnormal = Delayed Ovulation Baseline cycle Abnormal = Short Luteal Phase Re: Delayed ovulation, see What is the mechanism of stress and how does it affect reproduction. From the set of 4: Ovulograph - Ovulography slides Dec 2016 https://biozhena.files.wordpress.com/2016/12/ovulograph-ovulography-slides-dec-2016-11.pps
Next Generation Design “We’ll help you control your fertility with 21st Century tools” http://www.nuvaring.com/consumer/how_nuvaring_works/ Much like the NuvaRing® but without the hormones. Much like the Ovulona™ but without the need for daily insertion. Clickable links – for further information