Provision of medical supply kits to improve quality of antenatal care in Mozambique: a stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial Ana Pilar Betrán, PhD, Eduardo Bergel, PhD, Sally Griffin, MSc, Armando Melo, MD, My Huong Nguyen, PhD, Alicia Carbonell, MD, Santos Mondlane, MSc, Mario Merialdi, PhD, Marleen Temmerman, PhD, A Metin Gülmezoglu, PhD Alicia Aleman, Fernando Althabe, Adriano Biza, Beatrice Crahay, Leonardo Chavane, Mercedes Colomar, Therese Delvaux, Ussumane Dique Ali, Lucio Fersurela, Diederike Geelhoed, Ingeborg Jille-Taas, Celsa Regina Malapende, Célio Langa, Nafissa Bique Osman, Jennifer Requejo, Geraldo Timbe Ana Pilar Betrán, PhD, Eduardo Bergel, PhD, Sally Griffin, MSc, Armando Melo, MD, My Huong Nguyen, PhD, Alicia Carbonell, MD, Santos Mondlane, MSc, Mario Merialdi, PhD, Marleen Temmerman, PhD, A Metin Gülmezoglu, PhD Alicia Aleman, Fernando Althabe, Adriano Biza, Beatrice Crahay, Leonardo Chavane, Mercedes Colomar, Therese Delvaux, Ussumane Dique Ali, Lucio Fersurela, Diederike Geelhoed, Ingeborg Jille-Taas, Celsa Regina Malapende, Célio Langa, Nafissa Bique Osman, Jennifer Requejo, Geraldo Timbe The Lancet Global Health Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages e57-e65 (January 2018) DOI: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30421-7 Copyright © 2018 World Health Organization Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 Trial diagram showing number of antenatal care visits by antenatal care clinics and steps The Lancet Global Health 2018 6, e57-e65DOI: (10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30421-7) Copyright © 2018 World Health Organization Terms and Conditions
Figure 2 Outcome rates, by step and health facility; first antenatal care visits Each cell contains the proportion of women who received each specific antenatal care practice in the corresponding antenatal care clinics and steps. For each of the nine panels in this figure, the ten clinics are represented in the y-axis while the steps of the trial are represented in the x-axis. *When the denominator to compute the cell rate is 0, cells are coloured in white. The Lancet Global Health 2018 6, e57-e65DOI: (10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30421-7) Copyright © 2018 World Health Organization Terms and Conditions