HALFWAY PROJECT! You will be taking 6-8 days to create an animation project. Use what you’ve learned so far to design a more sophisticated project than all of the informal ones we have worked on so far. Combine techniques, spend more time with a specific technique you liked, and look online for inspiration. There are still a lot of techniques we haven’t learned yet, so be patient. You can still do some pretty awesome stuff with what you know so far, which is…
THINK of ALL YOU KNOW! Basic 2D animation / transform properties Puppet tool / starch / overlap Masking / rotoscoping Making shape layers (trim paths, wiggle, pucker/bloat, etc.) 2D motion track: transform / perspective corner pin Using pen tool & making paths, trim paths Chroma key / luma matte / alpha matte / blend modes Other: gradients, solids, null objects, text
HALFWAY PROJECT - OPTIONS 30 Second Mock Teaser Trailer Special effects shots Packed with action / music / sound effects Don’t have to tell a full story Probably at least 10 sfx shots Short Animated Film (:30 or less) Using character(s) Tells a very, very brief story / situation Multiple shots / broken up over group members Dream / Experimental Film (less than :45) Abstract Combination of effects Creates more of a mood than telling a story
30 Second Mock Teaser Trailer Make a mockery of dumb, big budget American movies Cheesiness encouraged Silly one-liners, bad acting Unnecessary explosions Fast pace – at least 10 shots (not all require FX) USE motion tracking, rotoscoping, masking, green screen, etc.
30 Second Mock Teaser Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHo8alOSM6o http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9TOJvsKKYs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jq9Rd4j0W4k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epxFvdeiNcI
SHORT ANIMATED FILM Tell a very, very brief story or part of a story (15—45 sec) Think of a funny or interesting situation, use a character or characters Use audio & sound effects Use multiple shots: WS, CU, MS, XCU, etc. Break work up among all group members, so each creates a set of shots, assemble it in Adobe Premiere, add music, etc
SHORT ANIMATED FILM http://vimeo.com/6052950 http://vimeo.com/41271970 http://vimeo.com/25610227 http://vimeo.com/24455796
DREAM / EXPERIMENTAL FILM Story / message can be abstract Use layering, tons of techniques Use video, special effects, repetition Create a mood Use music, sound effects
DREAM / EXPERIMENTAL FILM http://vimeo.com/54173048 http://vimeo.com/52200049 http://vimeo.com/35466512 http://vimeo.com/79968749 https://vimeo.com/108918833 ..\GOOD STUDENT EXAMPLES\Kiesling Halter Gorog Halfway with sounds.mp4
TEAMWORK or TIME MANAGEMENT ____ / 25 PROFESSIONALISM ____ / 25 Keying is professional and not messy or spotty Masking is clean Photoshop work is clean and sophisticated Use of video is professional and shot well Audio is sophisticated and enhances feel GROWTH & DYNAMIC TECHNIQUE ____ / 25 Innovative uses & combinations of keying, masking, motion-tracking and puppet, etc. Shows growth in all techniques used Editing in Premiere is sophisticated Sound effects and audio are used well CREATIVITY / EDITING ____ / 25 Approach is interesting and/or funny/satirical Concept is clear and coherent Several techniques are used to tell story Isn’t a copy of something else TEAMWORK or TIME MANAGEMENT ____ / 25 Group members work equally / shots are equally strong In class time used wisely / not wasted / not put off until the end