Election Campaigns
Election Day after the first Monday in November. Election Day for U.S. Presidents and many other offices is: The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
The Objective The objective of any election campaign is to get someone elected to a political position.
Campaign Strategy How to wage the campaign battle? Theme of campaign? What issues to stress? How much money to spend? Where will money come from?
Campaign Organization
TV and Image How to “package” the candidate in ads. Appearance (formal, casual, friendly, commanding) Background images carry subtle messages. News interviews (friendly or hostile) Events to attend (rallies, dinners, etc.) Other staged appearances (Saturday Night Live)
Analysis of Campaign Ads Tone Positive or Negative? Attack ads Issue ads Who is the messenger? Target audience Message in background images
Debates Should there be debates? How many? Where? When? Manner? Town meeting style Formal debate style Give and take style