Urban Water Use Efficiency Policy-2016 and Beyond California Irrigation Institute January 25, 2016 Sacramento California Peter Brostrom Water Use Efficiency Program Manager California Department of Water Resources
2015 UWMPs Required of suppliers who provide 3000 ac-ft of potable water or serve more than 3000 connections Plans revised once every 5 years 2015 plans due July 1, 2016 Consist of: System description 20 year water supply/demand projections Description of water management measures Water shortage planning Include water targets and compliance
Standardized Tables
Electronic Data Portal
Water Loss Reporting SB 1420 (2014) requires water suppliers to report on distribution system water loss. Water Loss Audit Manual (Appendix L) Water Loss Collaborative- Cal Nev AWWA, CUWCC, US EPA, DWR
Revised Demand Management Measures AB 2067 (2014) reduced DMM reporting from 14 measures to 7: Water Waste Ordinances Metering Conservation Pricing Public Education and Outreach Water Loss Programs Conservation Coordinators Other Significant Impact
20x2020 Compliance Year Adjustments SB X7-7 allows water suppliers to adjust compliance year water use due to: Weather differences Economic growth Extraordinary event DWR has developed a methodology and weather normalization tools to complete these adjustments
Voluntary Methodologies SB 1420(2014) methodology on estimating future demands accounting for water savings from codes and standards SB 1036(2014) methodology on calculating water supply energy intensity
20x2020 Chart 1/13/2019
Water Use Targets 10608.42 directs DWR to examine 20x2020 water use efficiency standards and make recommendations to legislature by July 1, 2017 55 GPCD Indoor Residential DWR/State Board discussions on post 2020 water use targets.
New Annual Water Loss Reporting SB 555(2015) requires water suppliers to submit validated water loss audits annually starting in October 2017. DWR to develop guidelines for validation and reporting by January 2017. State Board has provided funding for water loss training and validation.
Independent Technical Panel (ITP) AB 1420 (2007) directed DWR to convene panel once every five years 7 member panel Developing landscape WUE recommendations Draft report planed for release for February 2016
Landscape Water Use Efficiency Revised MWELO Landscape Stakeholder Committee Interest in new remote sensing techniques for measuring landscape area
CalConserve Loan Program AB 92(2015) and AB (2636) 2014 directed DWR to provide $10 million in Prop 1 funds to establish a pilot On-Bill loan programs $5 million for water use efficiency programs $5 million for customer leak repair programs http://www.water.ca.gov/wateruseefficiency/finance/
Turf and Toilet Rebates Funds still available $15.7 M for turf $4 M for toilets http://saveourwaterrebates.com/
Questions? Contact Information: Peter Brostrom brostrom@water.ca.gov (916) 651 7034 Vicki Lake Vicki.Lake@water.ca.gov (916) 651 0740