Global Evaluation Agenda
The GEA has been developed by many colleagues around the globe, working together under the EvalPartners umbrella. The discussions around evaluation capacities and capabilities intensified during the International Year of Evaluation in 2015, which was celebrated at over 92 events around the world. The Year of Evaluation culminated in a historic global gathering hosted by the Parliament of Nepal in Kathmandu where the GEA was launched and endorsed by various stakeholders including Governments, Parliaments, civil society and academia, with great energy and good humour, in an atmosphere of global solidarity and partnership.
We invite any individual, any organization, any government or any interested party to contribute to implementation of the GEA by undertaking relevant initiatives wherever they live or work. By working together, wherever we may be, we can advance knowledge, learning and accountability in the journey towards healthier and happier lives, social justice and a safer planet for all. In this way, we hope to see widespread ownership of the agenda – and indeed, we invite you to play your part, too. We ask you to decide: “which bite of the evaluation apple will you take?” As an evaluator, a commissioner of evaluations, a manager, a government official, or as a leader or perhaps as a Parliamentarian, we believe you will wish to become familiar with the content of the Agenda so that you can not only use evaluation to support your work, but also work to strengthen evaluation. Students, trainers, teachers and academicians can also play a key role in sharing and using the agenda in their institutions. We hope the agenda will be widely shared, discussed and – most importantly - put into action.
How can you get your copy? On-line version of the Executive Summary can be found here: On-line version of the full document can be found here: Order your print copies: Contact Lynn Burgess at with the number of required copies and the address for delivery.
Supporting EvalAgenda 2020: The 10 Steps AEA Followed Mike Hendricks AEA Representative to IOCE/EvalPartners August 4, 2016
AEA’s 10 Steps Decide officially to do something Assign a small working group to recommend actions Set a deadline for those recommendations Ask the small group to work steadily Ask key groups in your organization to suggest ideas Develop a full list of reasonable possibilities To choose, vote independently in the working group Get official VOPE approval of the recommendations Develop a Plan of Action for each action Begin the work
Two Links For Your Use For the table of 13 actions: For the table plus a few words about it: ways-aea-will-support-the-global-evaluation-agenda