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FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Accessory, or supportive, sex glands Bartholin’s (greater vestibular) glands Secrete mucus-like lubricating fluid Ducts open between labia minora Breasts (Figure 20-10) Located over pectoral muscles of thorax Size determined by fat quantity more than amount of glandular (milk-secreting) tissue Lactiferous ducts drain at nipple, which is surrounded by pigmented areola Lymphatic drainage important in spread of cancer cells to other body areas Slide 2
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FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM External genitals (Figure 20-11) Vulva includes mons pubis, clitoris, orifice of urethra, Bartholin’s gland, vagina, labia minora and majora, and hymen Perineum—area between vaginal opening and anus Surgical cut during childbirth called episiotomy Slide 4
FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM Menstrual cycle—involves many changes in the uterus, ovaries, vagina, and breasts (Figures 20-12 and 20-13) Length—about 28 days, varies from month to month among individuals and in the same individual Phases Menses—about the first 4 or 5 days of the cycle, varies somewhat; characterized by sloughing of bits of endometrium (uterine lining) with bleeding Proliferative phase—days between the end of menses and secretory phase; varies in length; the shorter the cycle, the shorter the proliferative phase; the longer the cycle, the longer the proliferative phase Secretory phase—days between ovulation and beginning of next menses; secretory about 14 days before next menses; characterized by further thickening of endometrium and secretion by its glands in preparation for implantation of fertilized ovum; combined actions of the anterior pituitary hormones FSH and LH cause ovulation; sudden sharp decrease in estrogens and progesterone bring on menstruation if pregnancy does not occur Slide 5
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SUMMARY OF MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS In men and women the organs of the reproductive system are adapted for the specific sequence of functions that permit development of sperm or ova after the successful fertilization and then the normal development and birth of offspring The male organs produce, store, and ultimately introduce mature sperm into the female reproductive tract Slide 8
SUMMARY OF MALE AND FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMS The female system produces ova, receives the sperm, and permits fertilization followed by fetal development and birth, with lactation afterward Production of sex hormones is required for development of secondary sex characteristics and for normal reproductive functions in both sexes Slide 9