HBr, 3S-, J´= 8 & V(m+9) https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131209.pptx Updated: 14.01.14.


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Presentation transcript:

HBr, 3S-, J´= 8 & V(m+9) https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PPT-131209.pptx Updated: 14.01.14

3S-, J´= 8 H+ + Br(1/2) H+ <- HBr+(v´) ½ <- ½ predictions v+max(1/2) = 20* 3S-, J´= 8 H+ + Br(1/2) H+ <- HBr+(v´) ½ <- ½ predictions v+= 13 17 20 predictions H+ + Br(3/2) Norm- alized Reproducable peak According to Andreas: Could be H+ + Br <- H(n=3) + Br See slide 3 v+max (3/2) = 24 * 0.47 eV v+= 12 16 20 0.47 eV 3/2 <- 3/2 KER/eV * https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209b.pxp https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209.pxp; Gr0, Lay0 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209a.xlsx

H*(n=3) + Br * https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209b.pxp

v+= 20 17 * https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209b.pxp; Gr0, Lay0

3S-, J´= 8 H+ + H+ <- HBr+(v´) Br(1/2) ……½ <- ½ …….3/2 <- ½ v+max(1/2) = 20* 3S-, J´= 8 H+ + Br(1/2) H+ <- HBr+(v´) v+= 13 17 20 ……½ <- ½ …….3/2 <- ½ v+= 9 12 14 15 20 H+ + Br(3/2) Norm- alized v+max (3/2) = 24 * v+= 13 17 20 24 ……1/2 <- 3/2 …….3/2 <- 3/2 v+= 12 16 20 KER/eV * https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209b.pxp https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209.pxp; Gr0, Lay0 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209a.xlsx

the two biggest H+ <-HBr+(v+) peaks (at 2. 9 and 3 the two biggest H+ <-HBr+(v+) peaks (at 2.9 and 3.38 eV) correspond to v+ (1/2) = 17 for ½ <- ½ and v+(3/2) = 20 for 3/2 <- 3/2 according to calculated v+ levels NB: v+ = 20 for HBr+(3/2) (E =125046 cm-1 ) is very close to v+ = 17 for HBr+*(1/2) (E = 124903 cm-1 ) in energy, (See next slide) -and it closely corresponds to the H + Br+ threshold energy (1249004 cm-1) the biggest peak (at 3.38 eV) corresponds to the v+max for the HBr+ state well. The peak at 2.9 eV corresponds to the accessable v+max for the HBr+* state.

with respect to other spectra HBr, V(m+i)´s H+ + Br(1/2) NB: Seems to be shifted with respect to other spectra H+ + Br(3/2) Normalized H+ <- HBr+(v´) V(m+10) V(m+9) V(m+8) V(m+7) V(m+6) V(m+5) V(m+4) KER/eV https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209a.pxp ; Gr0 Lay0 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209.xlsx

with respect to other spectra Spectrum shifted by about -0.047 eV Predictions Original spectrum NB: Seems to be shifted with respect to other spectra 3/2 <- 3/2, predictions(?) KER/eV https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209a.pxp ; Gr1 Lay1 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209.xlsx

HBr +(1/2) peaks 3S-, J´= 8; 0-1(?) H+ + Br(1/2) HBr +(3/2) peaks H(n=3) + Br See slide 3 H+ + Br(3/2) KER/eV https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-140112.pxp; Lay:0,Gr:0

with respect to other spectra Old Spectrum shifted by about -0.047 eV Predictions Original/old spectrum NB: Seems to be shifted with respect to other spectra New spectrum 3/2 <- 3/2, predictions(?) KER/eV https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209a.pxp ; Gr1 Lay1 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209.xlsx

HBr, V(m+i)´s H+ + Br(1/2) New spectrum/V(m+9) H+ + Br(3/2) Normalized H+ <- HBr+(v´) V(m+10) V(m+9) V(m+8) V(m+7) V(m+6) V(m+5) V(m+4) KER/eV https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/PXP-131209a.pxp ; Gr0 Lay0 <= https://notendur.hi.is/~agust/rannsoknir/Crete/XLS-131209.xlsx