Characters & Map of Maycomb Setting of To Kill a Mockingbird
Scout Miss Caroline Ms. Gates Dill Arthur “Boo” Radley, Mr. & Mrs. Radley, Mr. Radley (eldest son) Jem Little Chuck Little Eula May Atticus Mr. Underwood Mr. Avery Cal Zeebo Mr. Cunningham, Walter (the son) Uncle Jack Dr. Reynolds Burris Ewell Miss Maudie Mrs. Dubose Mayella Ewell Aunt Alexandra Miss Stephanie Crawford Bob Ewell Cousin Francis Judge Taylor Mr. Gilmer Link Deas Tom Robinson Helen Robinson Heck Tate Dolphus Raymond Rev. Sykes
Map of Maycomb
TKaM Chapter 1 Cal ( Calpurnia) African-American cook for the Finches. She is nearsighted, and always kicking Scout out of the kitchen. Disciplines the kids. She is more than a cook, she plays a mother-like role to Scout and Jem. Dill (Charles Baker Harris) visits his Aunt Rachel Haverford every summer. He lies and tells tall tales (great imagination). Says his picture won a Beautiful Child contest. He has no father. Dill is fascinated by Boo Radley.
The Ewell Family Burris Ewell: can't spell his own name, bugs in hair, he is a mean one, dirty, black, grey and rusty colored, another boy (Little Chuck Little) threatens to kill him, has no mother, only comes to school for first day of the year and then never returns, curses at the teacher, makes the teacher cry. The Ewells: are the disgrace of Maycomb for three generations. Lived like animals at the town dump. Town turns a blind eye to the Ewells. Ewell children only go to school on the first day. They hunt out of season. Bob Ewell (the father) is an alcoholic. Doesn't spend money on the welfare of the children (buys whiskey).