Agenda on the first HWRG meeting 14 and 15 September Workshop: Public ethos – a core base for governing. Discussion on experiences Social Dialogue traditions in Europe – presentation of the coming comparative study Learning Team on Human Resources Assessment – Status and development Public Administration Reform checklist (PAR)
Agenda 14 and 15 September (continued) Women to top positions within the Central Administration The medium term priorities Follow-up Presentation by EGPA representative Brief discussion on priorities and coming process Two integrated sessions with IPSG and eGOV Sustainable Development in Public Administration Managing Performance (together with EGPA)
Coming projects in HRWG during the Swedish Presidency Learning team on Human Resources Assessment (LT HRA) Seven participants. Belgium: project coordinator and reporter. France : content provider, methodology. OECD/GOV, EIPA, EGPA and CAF experts invited. Workgroup to define how / when: Collecting & Sharing of good practices and HR indicators in HR management Analyzing further (new, existing) indicators in the light of their use in the member states Investigating how to set up a test phase and pilot projects Link to OECD/GOV LT HRA meeting – Brussels (14/10 or 15/10)
Coming projects in HRWG during the Swedish Presidency Social dialogue traditions in Europe Follow-up of the comparative analysis of the social dialogue (SD) in the central public administrations of the EU Member States carried out under the French Presidency A more in-depth analysis of differences of selected SD systems across the European Union A focus on differences as regards employment and management systems in which the SD takes place in selected EU Member States
HRWG Work Programme Suggested themes: Financial stability and sustainability of public administrations Prerequisites for an improved performance orientation Managing the interface between politicians and civil servants Policies and practices for a more representative public workforce Ethics in public administration
Coming HRWG meeting 17–18 November in Malmö Invite representatives of OECD/GOV to present themes relevant for HR from Government at a Glance A workshop on pension reforms Presentation of the EIPA report on social dialogue traditions