Social Development Ch. 3 Section 3.


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Presentation transcript:

Social Development Ch. 3 Section 3

Socialization The process of learning the rules of behavior of the culture within which an individual is born and will live. Acceptable vs. unacceptable Every society is different. Part of discovering who you are.

A.) Freud’s Theory of Psychosexual Development Sigmund Freud: All children have natural sexual urges. Teaching children right from wrong teaches them to control their urges.

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Stage 1: ORAL STAGE Birth to 2 years. Pleasure is derived by the mouth, mainly because of breastfeeding. People who stop breastfeeding too soon may become orally fixated (over-eating, smoking, chewing, sucking, biting habits).

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Stage 2: ANAL STAGE 1 1/2 to 3 years Toilet training stage. Children learn to control bodily functions. Control becomes a source of pleasure. Children learn independence and achievement. Too-lenient parents raise kids who are anal-expulsive: messy, wasteful, inefficient. Too-strict, critical parents raise kids who are anal-retentive: perfectionists, organized, obsessive, very clean.

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Stage 3: PHALLIC STAGE 3-6 years old. Become aware of gender differences and of their own genitals. Either have a penis, or lack one. The child wants intimacy the parents share with each other. Boys develop an Oedipus complex- they want to be close to mother, and see father as a rival.

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Girls develop an Electra complex- want intimacy with father, see mother as rival. Eventually reach the stage of identification- the child idolizes their same-sex parent and tries to be like them.

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Stage 4: LATENCY STAGE 5/6 years to puberty. Sexual desires are repressed (pushed back). Child redirects focus on learning, artistic, and cultural goals. Sublimination- channeling energy into a productive task.

Freud’s 5 stages of Psychosexual Development Stage 5: GENITAL STAGE Puberty to adulthood. Sexual urges re-awaken. Boys and girls are aware of their separate sexual identities and seek relationships with others.