How To Approve Pre-work or Additional Pay To begin you would: Receive an email notification advising you that a Pre-work and/or Additional Pay Request requires your approval Log in to PennWorks using your PennKey and Password and click on My Pending Approvals PennWorks PennWorks uses PennKey & Password Click My Pending Approvals
Step 1: Review the Request Open and review attachments (hover over attachment name to see who attached it); attachments can be removed only by the person who originally attached the document Review all aspects of the request for accuracy, completeness and compliance; add attachments if necessary via Attachments>Edit/View
Step 2: Approve or Reject For either a Pre-work or an Additional Pay Request, click the appropriate button to Approve or Reject; you may Save and return at a later time If your decision is to Reject the request, enter a Reviewer Comment describing the reason for your decision and click [Reject]; the request will be returned to the Submitter If your decision is to Approve the request, click [Approve]; the request will continue through the approval routing process
Step 3: Return to Pending Approvals Notice the request for Rolen is removed from the My Pending Approvals list; this completes your Review/Approve task