Comparative Adjectives UNIT 12
When we compare things using adjectives, we must use comparative adjectives.
Short Adjectives cheap tall fat cheaper taller fatter Adjectives That End In ~y funny easy pretty funnier easier prettier Adjectives With More Than Two Syllables boring interesting wonderful beautiful more boring more interesting more wonderful more beautiful Irregular Adjectives good bad far better worse farther
Spelling: Short Adjectives
For short adjectives that end in one vowel + one consonant, we double the consonant when changed to a comparative adjective.
Examples big fat hot bigger fatter hotter
No Change (Not one vowel + one consonant): short small young shorter smaller younger
Than (Not “then”)
Than is often used when using a comparative adjective.
Examples Vancouver is smaller than Seoul. The department store is more expensive than the grocery store. Titanic was more interesting than Avatar.
Much / Far / Way
Much, far, and way are used to give emphasis when we compare. Way is common in speaking and is not very formal.
Examples Saudi Arabia is bigger than Japan. Canada is much bigger than Japan.
Examples Brazil’s soccer players are better than USA’s. Brazil’s soccer players are way better than Canada’s.
This form is used to show that something is the same or equal. With this form, we do not use comparative adjectives.
Examples Vancouver is as big as Boston. Peter is as old as me. Jenny is as nice as my old roommate.
This form is used to show that something isn’t the same or equal. Again, with this form, we do not use comparative adjectives.
Examples Brazil isn’t as big as Canada. Toronto isn’t as warm as Vancouver. Gas wasn’t as expensive as I thought. The dinner wasn’t as good as lunch.
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