Beekeeper – Grow healthy Presenting to: Christian Grossmann, Founder of Beekeeper Presented by HHU Consulting: Lukas Grote Ina Jonalik Johann Wiebold Lina Zaika May 2018 HHU
Problem Statement What to tackle? Continue the growth path while overcoming the VUCA challenges May 2018 HHU
Recommendation What to tackle? Continue the growth path while overcoming the VUCA challenges How to solve? Transform Beekeeper into an agile organization that is able to serve diverse industry needs Set up Scrum teams Focus on core industries: Hospitality, Manufacturing, Retail (Short - to Mid - term) Scale approach to more industries (Long-term) May 2018 HHU
Agenda 01 Situation Analysis 02 Strategic Alternatives 03 Implementation 04 Financials May 2018 HHU
01 Situation Analysis May 2018 HHU
Only highly efficient organizations can overcome the VUCA challenges Volatility Uncertainty Complexity Ambiguity Changing costumer needs Changing stakeholders BE BRAVE KEEP IT SIMPLE BEE PROACTIVE BEE OPEN BRING OUT THE BEST IN EACH OTHER Technology disruption New players disrupt industries Organizational growth More communication lines Individual customer needs Demand for personalization
Beekeeper currently serves a broad base of cyclical industries with limited personnel Total Employees 118 (vs. 15 FY 2015) Engineers 15 (vs. 2 FY 2015) May 2018 HHU
Beekeepers three core industries are hospitality, manufacturing and retail 80% of revenue 20% of revenue Hospitality Retail Manufacturing Other industries Seasonal industry High turnover rates Many off-desk employees May 2018 HHU
One employee experience Security & Integration Much effort is needed to coordinate the three independent engineering teams Dashboard & Analytics Client focus One employee experience Security & Integration User focus Technology focus May 2018 HHU
Key Issues Satisfy industry specific needs Ensure efficient org structure Enable employees to show their full potential May 2018 HHU
02 Strategic Alternatives May 2018 HHU
To grow healthy, a clear decision regarding the industry and org structure is necessary 1. Decision: Industry decision 2. Decision: Organization structure Industry focus Functional organization Industry decision Oganization structure Diversification Agile organization May 2018 HHU
First, it needs to be decided whether an industry focus or diversification has the most potential 1. Decision: Industry decision 2. Decision: Organization structure Industry focus Functional organization Industry decision Organization structure Diversification Agile organization May 2018 HHU
Beekeeper could either decide for an industry focus or continue with diversification 1. Decision: Industry decision Industry focus Focus on one of the three core industries Strengthen organization and employee commitment Aim to be the leading service provider in one industry Diversification Grow with industry pace Embrace and leverage current client base Set apart from competitors by enhancing future industry portfolio May 2018 HHU
Three criteria have been selected to make the industry decision 1. Decision: Industry decision Growth potential Organizational feasibility Cultural fit to Beekeeper May 2018 HHU
Beekeeper could either decide for an industry focus or continue with diversification High 1. Decision: Industry decision Medium Low Industry focus Diversification Growth potential Organizational feasibility Cultural fit to beekeeper May 2018 HHU
Grow with industry pace and stay disruptive Diversification of the industry portfolio ensures growth and leverages Beekeepers current clients High 1. Decision: Industry decision Medium Low Industry focus Diversification Growth potential Organizational feasibility Cultural fit to beekeeper Grow with industry pace and stay disruptive May 2018 HHU
Beekeepers three core industries are hospitality, manufacturing and retail Short- to Mid-term Long-term Diversification Diversification by leveraging current core industry portfolio Identify further industries based on selected criteria Hospitality Seasonal industry High turnover rates Many off-desk employees Retail Manufacturing May 2018 HHU
Based on the decision to keep a diversified portfolio, a suitable org structure will be selected 1. Decision: Industry decision 2. Decision: Organization structure Industry focus Functional organization Industry decision Organization structure Diversification Agile organization May 2018 HHU
Functional organization Based on the decision to keep a diversified portfolio, a suitable org structure will be selected 2. Decision: Organization structure Functional organization Agile organization + + Well- structured Clear responsibilities Functional expertise and competencies Fast reaction possible Diverse teams Highly-product focused - - Slower processes More suitable for traditional businesses Change will take longer Potential mis-communication due to cross-functional employee background May 2018 HHU
Functional organization An agile organization enables Beekeeper best to continue a healthy growth 2. Decision: Organization structure Functional organization Agile organization + + Well- structured Clear responsibilities Functional expertise and competencies Fast reaction possible Diverse teams Highly-product focused - - Slower processes More suitable for traditional businesses Change will take longer Potential mis-communication due to cross-functional employee background May 2018 HHU
As an agile organization, Beekeeper can continue to grow with a diversified portfolio 1. Decision: Industry decision 2. Decision: Organization structure Industry focus Functional organization Industry decision Organization structure Diversification Agile organization May 2018 HHU
Continue disrupting communication in various industries with an agile organization May 2018 HHU
03 Implementation May 2018 HHU
What does agile working look like? Cross-functional teams Self-organized teams Daily face-to-face interaction Continuous delivery of potentially shippable products Every team has the skills to deliver the product independently Teams are enabled to make their own decisions Team member align daily to avoid bottlenecks Delivery of Product Increments on a 3-4 weeks basis May 2018 HHU
Working agile results in benefits for the organization Increased motivation due to continuous improvement of ways of working Opportunity to work creatively Personnel development opportunities Employees Products Continuous delivery of product increments Continuous improvement of the product Costumers Adaption to product needs Costumer feedback is incorporated Organization Faster time-to-market Healthy scalability May 2018 HHU
In a Scrum Team every role has responsibilities and communication is supported Events: Daily Planning Review Retrospective Product Owner (PO) Communicates with the stakeholders Has the product vision Responsible for prioritization Scrum Master (SM) Makes sure that Scrum methodology is applied correctly Has the teams back Development Team 3-7 people Works on the product Develops the increments Is self-organized an reports to nobody May 2018 HHU
Main teams at HQ, local sales and marketing staff London TBD Berlin Sales & Marketing SF Sales & Marketing Sales & Marketing Sales & Marketing Zurich HQ main teams May 2018 HHU
We envision an agile organization with dedicated sales & marketing teams Management Board Core scrum team Hospitality scrum team Retail scrum team Manufacturing scrum team New scrum team Sales & Marketing 1 SM 1 PO 6 Dev. 1 SM 1 PO 3 Dev. As first industry team As first industry team Support functions SF London Berlin TBD Agile Coach May 2018 HHU
We envision an agile organization with dedicated sales & marketing teams SF London Berlin TBD Single clients touchpoint Trained for industry needs Staffing on demand Trained for industry needs on-site service Client arena offering May 2018 HHU
Change Management needs a clear process to avoid frustration and confusion Strategy Design strategy according to the company’s strength and customer demands Design Organization Jobs Culture Transition Preparation for change Clear communication May 2018 HHU
Relocation assessment Transition will be communicated and executed in an employee-friendly manner Transition Open dialogue Relocation assessment Scrum training Scrum training Week 1: Management Intensive assessment about potential relocation of employees One day SCRUM training for every single employee One day SCRUM training for every single employee Week 2 : Teams May 2018 HHU
Fast moving consumer goods Outlook – Diversification of industry portfolio to mitigate cyclicality risk Requirements Railway Event management Less seasonal Not cyclical Transition needs due to disruptive landscape Landscape mixed between established and new companies Fast moving consumer goods Banking May 2018 HHU
04 Financials May 2018 HHU
Action plan May 2018 HHU
We advise a venture loan Initial Public Offering Unfavorable market environment Too early Additional funding round Dilution of voting rights Venture loan Upcoming product low interest rates May 2018 HHU
Risks and contingencies I. Organizational changes and agile organization will not be accepted by employees Set up holistic change management plan II. Clients expect industry focus on Beekeeper Specialized teams with industry experts III. Data security concerns of stakeholders Ensure alignment with DSGVO Likelihood I. II. III. Impact May 2018 HHU
Clearer responsibilities Split between core product and industry Wrap-up Requirements Frustration and confusion Clearer responsibilities Pace slowdown Agile organization Complexity increase Split between core product and industry May 2018 HHU