People always think something’s all true. In Chapter Two, during his visit with Spencer, Holden says, this quote. How do you see this applied in the first six chapters?
I started groping around in front of me, like a blind guy, but without getting up or anything. ‘mother, darling, why won’t you give me your hand?’ I was only horsing around, naturally. That stuff gives me a bang sometimes. Besides, I know it annoyed the hell out of old Ackley. Is it possible that Holden accepts in himself the faults which he vehemently denounces in others?
Holden, god damn it, I’m warning you, now. For the last time Holden, god damn it, I’m warning you, now. For the last time. If you don’t keep your yap shut, I’m gonna- In chapter 6, Holden calls Stradlater a moron because morons will not discuss problems intelligently. Is Holden a moron?
How to Be Popular in the 1950's After viewing this “How to” video, take a stance on Holden vs. Stradlater as they relate to “normal” popularity.