Choir Orientation 7th Grade
Songs can be classics too Music teaches us important life skills Why Choir? Songs can be classics too Music teaches us important life skills Music teaches us to appreciate the beautiful Music is good for the body and mind For 8th, ask someone to speak on each
What Will We Learn? Music History & Literature (Composers & Classics) Music Elements (Building Blocks of Music) Music Literacy (How to Sing, Read, Create Music) Vocal Technique (How to Sing Well) Professionalism & Performance Skills (Performing in Class and Concerts)
Class Rules Be Professional & Appropriate (during class and concerts) Be Respectful (to the teacher and each other) Be Involved (participate in all activities) Do Your Best (aim for greatness) For 8th, ask someone to speak on each.
Know what you are supposed to do Attention Signal Journal Reflections Class Visitors Quizzes Lecture Group Projects Music Drills Performances Song Rehearsal Behavior Before & After Class Class Discussions
Final Grade Percentages 40% Class Participation/Professionalism – grade every other week 20% Quizzes – about every other week (music history & literature, elements, literacy, vocal technique, professionalism, etc.) 20% Notes & Writing – about twice a week 20% 2 Performances – in March and May (Participation & Professionalism) I do not grade you on how well you sing. I do grade on how well you sight-read & participate in activities.
JAA Rules (summarized) Be polite & attentive. Follow directions. Have a positive attitude. Be respectful to self & others. Be on time to class. Do not leave until you are dismissed. Strictly follow the dress code. No using electronics. Period. Do not bring anything illegal or harmful to school.
JAA Discipline Policy Lowered grade and email home Refocus Lunch Detention After-School Detention Saturday School Suspension
JAA Cheating Policy Cheating is presenting someone else’s ideas as your own or performing assignments in a forbidden way. 1st Time – “0” on assignment, Referred to office, Parents Notified
Make-Up Assignments If you miss class for any reason: You must tell the teacher if you missed school and ask for any make-up assignments. You will not have to make up participation points. You will have to make up journal writes, quizzes, notes, and group assignments.
Concert Attendance Requirement Concerts are worth about two letter grades: You must tell the teacher if you miss a concert for whatever reason and request a make-up assignment. (Tell me ahead of time, if you can.) Your make-up assignment will be due 2 weeks from the day of the concert you missed. Missing a concert and not making it up can cause you to fail choir!
Leaving During Class Bathroom breaks should be done between classes and should only be done during class in an emergency. Frequent bathroom trips during class (more than once in a two-week period) can lower your participation grade. (And I will call home.) You are not allowed to use electronics in the bathroom or meet up with other scholars. You are generally not allowed to go talk to another teacher or scholar during class.
Emergency Drills Stop and listen for instructions from the teacher Stay calm and quiet during the entire drill If we need to evacuate, use the back door and the side stairs. Go through the MPR and out to the blacktop area.
Your Turn to Talk… What did you enjoy about music or choir in the past?