Partnership Framework


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership Framework How it works Ashley Mudford, Partnership Framework Secretariat 2 October GCIO Brown Bag lunch, DIA Doing all-of-government work? Use this template.

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The BABII experience https://youtube/iRW5j0gZ-T4 Let’s show you a video about BABII… So how do these things work behind the scenes?

What is the Partnership Framework? Supports implementation of the Government’s ICT Strategy to achieve a radically transformed public service supported by a coherent information and technology ecosystem Problem-solving - identifying and resolving big issues that cause difficulties for Chief Executives to collaboratively provide integrated customer services Collaboration - 55 senior members from 21 public service agencies working together to implement the Strategy using a new operating model Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.

How does it work? ICT SLG roles Working group roles Strategy Authorising CE delivery Working group roles Clean up domain Address ‘Big Rocks’ Work as part of the team Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.

What are the working group domains? Service Innovation - Chief Operating Officers. Leading the transformation - ‘how agencies work together to federate delivery to provide integrated customer service’. Result 10 is core to their approach. Information - Chief Operating Officers (with information understanding) plus some senior Subject Matter Experts. Establishing the environment where ‘information can be managed as an asset’. Technology - Chief Information Officers. Providing leadership on ‘what is possible through the use of technology’. Strategic Investment - Chief Finance Officers. Focussing on ‘sustainable investments’ and ‘benefits realisation’. Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.

What is different from previous attempts? Consumer expectations Ministerial expectations Clear leadership Financial environment Increased awareness Service delivery - pace of disruption Groundswell of demand Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.

through federated services market A target state of innovation through federated services market providers users  -How we will get there

5 key barriers Inconsistent change approach Lack of system-wide Prioritisation Misunderstanding of policy & legislation Prioritisation – current make collective decisions about change direction, but actual change decisions in agency silo’s. The Service Innovation group is grappling with this issue now. What do you want to occur? Misunderstanding of policy & legislation – Use privacy, internal policy & legislation as reasons not to change rather than testing if changes can be made. Some of the working groups have identified this as an issue – Investment & Information in particular Misaligned costs/benefits framework – We currently value agency costs and benefits higher than system or user costs and benefits. How do you want to address this barrier? Insufficient Trust across agencies to share data – We focus on capturing information from our users as we do not trust other agency’s data and processes. Trust is fundamental to making progress. How do we do this? Inconsistent change approach – we scope, plan & monitor change differently inhibiting the management of cross agency change. Misaligned costs/ benefits framework Insufficient trust across agencies to share data

How do we address these barriers? 5 key barriers Inconsistent change approach How do we address these barriers? Lack of System Wide Prioritisation Misunderstanding of policy & legislation Prioritisation – current make collective decisions about change direction, but actual change decisions in agency silo’s. The Service Innovation group is grappling with this issue now. What do you want to occur? Misunderstanding of policy & legislation – Use privacy, internal policy & legislation as reasons not to change rather than testing if changes can be made. Some of the working groups have identified this as an issue – Investment & Information in particular Misaligned costs/benefits framework – We currently value agency costs and benefits higher than system or user costs and benefits. How do you want to address this barrier? Insufficient Trust across agencies to share data – We focus on capturing information from our users as we do not trust other agency’s data and processes. Trust is fundamental to making progress. How do we do this? Inconsistent change approach – we scope, plan & monitor change differently inhibiting the management of cross agency change. Misaligned costs/ benefits framework Insufficient trust across agencies to share data

Chief Executives have secured Ministerial support Projects have buy-in at all levels A clear, agreed problem statement Agencies’ commitment to the vision is tangible Ongoing cross-agency relationship management 5 key success factors Chief Executives have secured Ministerial support – projects that are an priority for the lead agency CE are more successful. Strong CE leadership is required to secure and maintain buy-in from peer CE’s and to secure tangible support from Ministers. How do we accomplish this? Projects have Buy-In at all levels – to support the CE’s, the project must also be championed at GM & DCE levels. Unless there is a clearly defined sponsor at each level a project is not likely to gain the traction it requires to be successful. What do we need to do differently to encourage this? A clear, agreed problem statement – projects with a clearly articulated need for change are more likely to get buy-in from stakeholders. How do we go about accomplishing this? Agencies commitment to the vision is tangible – A project with an agreed vision and outcomes is only likely to succeed when it is supported by committed funding and resources from all key parties. What do we need to do differently to encourage this? Ongoing cross-agency relationship management – Relationships with senior stakeholder across all agencies must be actively managed if the project is to succeed. A dedicated relationship manager is required. How do we go about doing this?

How do we promote these success factors? Chief Executives have secured Ministerial support Projects have Buy-in at all levels A clear, agreed problem statement Agencies commitment to the vision is tangible Ongoing cross-agency relationship management 5 key success factors How do we promote these success factors? Chief Executives have secured Ministerial support – projects that are an priority for the lead agency CE are more successful. Strong CE leadership is required to secure and maintain buy-in from peer CE’s and to secure tangible support from Ministers. How do we accomplish this? Projects have Buy-In at all levels – to support the CE’s, the project must also be championed at GM & DCE levels. Unless there is a clearly defined sponsor at each level a project is not likely to gain the traction it requires to be successful. What do we need to do differently to encourage this? A clear, agreed problem statement – projects with a clearly articulated need for change are more likely to get buy-in from stakeholders. How do we go about accomplishing this? Agencies commitment to the vision is tangible – A project with an agreed vision and outcomes is only likely to succeed when it is supported by committed funding and resources from all key parties. What do we need to do differently to encourage this? Ongoing cross-agency relationship management – Relationships with senior stakeholder across all agencies must be actively managed if the project is to succeed. A dedicated relationship manager is required. How do we go about doing this?

What do we have to do to get these joined up? Hamperings… What do we have to do to get these joined up? Incentives Capability Tools & Techniques Joint Leadership Joint Leadership – NZ approach is rather different to other country’s approaches. One CE has been given mandate to lead, and works through and with peers to actually implement change. This is on the agenda for Brackenridge in March, but that is some time away and we need to do stuff now… Capability– Limited number of people who can work in a cross-system way. The Technology Group is setting up ‘leaders/centres of expertise’ as the subject matter experts. Can we use this model elsewhere? Incentives – The incentives for agencies to focus on their core accountabilities are hard-wired & much stronger than soft-wired incentives of cross system change & collaborative outcomes. How do we address this? Tools & Techniques – methodologies such as agile and PRINCE2 do not necessarily translate directly to the public sector context. Each agency has evolved its own ways of affecting change which inhibits collaboration. How do we address this?

What is happening? Strategy Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest. On this slide, you can insert photos on the cork board. You can also move the blue pins around.

DRAFT Revised ICT Strategy Enabling the public sector to exploit ICT-enabled opportunities Opportunities Focus areas Outcomes Digital services Exploiting emerging technologies Agencies and third parties agree how to deliver federated services Service delivery channels are rationalised Common service components are re-used by agencies Federated services are piloted using ‘life events’ Customers experience seamless, integrated and trusted public services Information Information skills drive new insights and better decisions Open data and sharing by default supported by privacy & security settings Public trust and confidence permits sharing and re-use of information Frameworks and infrastructure facilitate flows of information and re-use Information-driven insights are reshaping services and policies, and adding public and private value Unlocking the value of information Technology Adoption of information and technology innovations is accelerated and value is being created Common capabilities and shared services are adopted where possible Agencies have easy access innovations from the ICT industry IT units partner with their business units to drive innovation Policies, standards, business models shared across the system Leveraging agency transformations Investment Investment in innovative digital services is being prioritised and benefits are being realised I&T investments are targeted at fewer initiatives with more impact Maximise value from technology investments Cost and benefits from investment in digital services are realised Agency transformation initiatives deliver system benefits Partnering with the private sector Complex problems are being solved and innovative solutions are being adopted Leadership Public sector leaders re-balance agency & system priorities Public sector leaders lead change to overcome system barriers Build workforce capability that encourages innovation Agencies look to industry and third-parties for sources of innovation NOT GOVERNMENT POLICY COMMERCIAL IN-CONFIDENCE VERSION 2.2

Strategy Engagement Alignment What is happening? Strategy Work programmes Engagement Alignment Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest. On this slide, you can insert photos on the cork board. You can also move the blue pins around.

Work programmes Information Technology Strategic Investment Service Innovation Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.

What else would you like to know? Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest. Pull quote slides can use Rockwell font.

Thank you More info? (governance) Choose the slides you want to use, and delete the rest.