Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment, and Review of Academic Administrators Current policy is 14 years old ttp://web.csulb.edu/divisions/aa/grad_undergrad/senate/documents/policy/2002/04/ There was a need to revisit the current policy and bring it up to date The policy was referred to FPPC last fall (September 2015) One of the main reasons for referral was the need to revise the composition of the search committee for University-wide academic administrative positions Another reason was the existence of some ambiguities in the current policy and the need for clarification FPPC reviewed the existing policy and found some policy and procedural ambiguities as well as the need for more clarity and reorganization At faculty request, the need for review of the composition of membership for various committees and inclusion of lecturers, tenure-track faculty, deans, and administrators in certain committees which justify their involvements were reviewed, discussed, and necessary provisions/changes were included in the new policy Certain parts of the current policy were revised and updated for clarity and currency FPPC-1/13/2019-AS
Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment, and Review of Academic Administrators Some of the highlights of the new policy include: New organization and structure for improved clarity, consistency, and coherence Separated and structured format for different committees’ (search and review for various academic administrative positions) membership composition and selection process Clarification of different committees’ selection process, charges, responsibilities, and reporting Addition of more members to the Provost Search Committee including an Assistant or Associate Professor, and an Academic Dean Possibility of adding a Full-Time Lecturer to the Provost Search Committee if needed Possibility of adding a community-at-large representative to the search committee for any University-wide academic administrator position FPPC-1/13/2019-AS
Policies and Procedures for the Selection, Appointment, and Review of Academic Administrators Some of the highlights of the new policy include (contd.): Addition of a Department Chair (or Program Director elected by department chairs) to the Dean’s Search Committee Possibility of addition of a full-time lecturer (elected by the Faculty Council) to the Dean’s Search Committee Possibility of adding a full-time lecturer to the search committee for any University-wide academic administrator position by the Academic Senate Clarification of an “Interim” or “Acting” position appointment process Organized and structured format for the review process of different academic administrative positions FPPC-1/13/2019-AS